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How does HPD verify if landlords keep units rent-stabilized under the program?



99 sec

HPD focuses on ensuring projects meet eligibility requirements like rent stabilization at the time of application. Going forward, HPD plans to operationalize an enforcement system modeled after the 421a program by reviewing annual registration data, using violation data from the DHCR.

  • HPD acknowledges past deficiencies in enforcement systems.
  • For eligibility, HPD checks if units are rent-stabilized when applying.
  • HPD aims to implement an annual registration review process like 421a.
  • This would utilize data sharing with DHCR on rent registrations and violations.
  • Overall, HPD is working to strengthen compliance checks on stabilized units.
Alexa Avilés
Can you explain to us like how HPD verifies whether the landlords are keeping the units stabilized with the program?
Kim Darga
Yeah, that's so that's been that's I was trying to explain a little bit earlier.
That's been one of the things I think that has Not I mean, again, Trish and I have only been involved the last couple of years, but I don't think there's been great systems in the past.
You know, we do absolutely, from an eligibility perspective, focus on making sure that the project at the point in time, they're replying that they meet the eligibility requirements.
So rent stabilization certainly was one of those things.
Clear during violations, all of those things that I mentioned earlier.
I think given that we're going to have much now that we have some models for how to do this, for other as of right programs, and that we're gonna have a much deeper bench of enforcement options.
We are we're actually going through the process now.
We're trying to figure out how to operationalize this given the scale of the program going forward.
And so the model I think that is most most closely resembles what we would consider here is what we do for 421a, which is that we review annual registration information.
Again, that requires us to make sure that we can use the data.
And that way, that we received through HCR, but we do know that we have a model and systems in place elsewhere that we could look to.
Alexa Avilés
Got it.
So so you do have currently a an agreement with DHCR to share data. pigeon logo

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