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Sharon Brown, Member of the Public, on Transparency and Privacy Concerns with Biometric Surveillance Cameras



126 sec

Sharon Brown, a member of the public, raises concerns about the need for transparency and notification regarding the use of biometric surveillance cameras with capabilities like iris recognition.

  • She argues cameras' capabilities should be clearly posted to prevent entrapment issues
  • People being watched by multiple cameras should be alerted to prevent cyberstalking
  • Relying solely on cybersecurity is problematic, tangible backups are needed to verify identities accurately
Sharon Brown
My name is Sharon Brown.
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I think that it's very important that it is posted clearly that they have active bio cameras.
It should not be a surprise to them the depth of how the camera can see them, their irises, the different things.
If the camera can do certain things like that, should be posted or there's gonna be an issue of entrapment with these cameras.
People viewing other people should have to alert them that they are viewing them specifically, and there should be a system where if someone is being viewed on multiple cameras this way that alerts come back to them, if they're in some kind of system, where they're being cyberwatched because that's a form of some kind of stalking where people are just cyberwatched It it becomes kind of criminal entrapment and different things like that.
Death when the police go somewhere to see the video if someone has been surveilling someone else, that's problematic that they're in a surveillance mode.
That is it lends against its entrapment and also some kind of stalking, and the people who are gonna be in the stores should have some kind of system where it goes back to it can go back to the police, but they also need to still have regular cameras and things to back up because it's not a sure thing.
I saw a person that this tall, they were this short, they had this colored hair, then they cut their hair, or they take out the hair or something like that, and it wasn't the person So there should be more sure things there like other backups.
It shouldn't just be the cybersecurity. pigeon logo

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