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What are Kelly Moan's views on the use of facial recognition technology in the private and public sectors?



3 min

Moan does not directly address her stance on facial recognition technology. She discusses emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) devices from a cybersecurity perspective.

  • Moan highlights the importance of cybersecurity measures like awareness campaigns, use of passphrases, multi-factor authentication, and keeping devices updated.
  • She mentions federal government efforts on cybersecurity strategies and emphasizing secure design principles.
  • However, Moan does not provide her personal views or experiences with facial recognition technology from her background in cybersecurity.
Erik D. Bottcher
I'd love to hear your personal perspectives on the issue of facial recognition technology as someone who's worked in the cybersecurity space for many years as someone who worked for federal security agencies.
What are your views about facial recognition technology, both in the private sphere and the public sphere.
And what is the balance in your view between the benefits of new technologies and the potential threats to similarities.
Kelly Moan
Thank you for the question again.
I think while I can't speak specifically to facial recognition, what I can speak to is technology at large.
We're continuing to see emerging technology promulgate through the industry.
This isn't something new or novel to the cybersecurity realm.
For example, artificial intelligence, as it relates to cybersecurity, is a topic that was in consideration, you know, many moons ago, many years ago in addition to our interconnected city, the use of Internet of things, devices, IoT devices, so think your smart fridges, your sensors that are being deployed.
Those all have access to the the Internet.
And that presents unique challenges from a protection and defense perspective for cybersecurity because large in part folks that may not realize they're leveraging that technology and could be could be exposed from a cybersecurity perspective.
So I think the the federal government has done a really great job in my opinion of, in particular, the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency of promoting awareness campaigns such as secure our world to promote effective techniques to protect and defend against cybersecurity attacks.
The use of past phrases.
So remember your password better.
Just think the longer the longer the longer the password, the better.
44 or 5 words strung together a special character in between, maybe an uppercase letter, lowercase letter studies have shown that that is provides more protection than than not, than even your most complex password, the use of multi factor authentication, and also just making sure your devices are updated.
Those are those are 3 core principles that every New Yorkers should take into consideration in their personal life.
But we've also heard and continue to see and we promote in the city secure by design and secure by default concept.
We know that no technology is a 100% guaranteed to not suffer from a cyber incident, nor as any organization.
But We do have we have seen that there should be greater emphasis, and the federal government has taken has taken the pen to this.
And even the national cybersecurity strategy by identifying that there is a risk to contend with with interconnected devices, in particular, IoT, and the use of secure by design and secure by default helps protect and defend against those risks. pigeon logo

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