What is OTI's stance on the use of facial recognition technology by city agencies?
105 sec
The council member inquires about OTI's position on facial recognition technology being utilized by city agencies. The OTI representative discusses the need to balance privacy and security considerations with emerging technologies, but does not directly address OTI's stance on facial recognition.
- The OTI representative states it is a collaborative effort across offices and agencies to understand the implications of biometric surveillance technologies like facial recognition.
- The council member expresses frustration over the lack of a substantive answer regarding the administration's position on such technologies.
Shahana K. Hanif
Could you expand on just the position that the that OTI has on facial recognition?
As a tool used by city agencies.
Kelly Moan
So while I can't speak in particular to facial rack, emerging technology writ large, right, the commitment to balancing both privacy and security.
Shahana K. Hanif
What are emerging tech?
Kelly Moan
Emerging technology could be the use of cloud.
It could be facial rack.
It could be So, you know, you have things, devices.
Shahana K. Hanif
The administration doesn't have like a parameter as to what what you all think about, facial rec, what you think about cloud, what is it or, like, pros and cons that you're considering as you are all looking into utilizing these mechanisms.
Kelly Moan
Just like any new or technology comes into play.
There are always considerations from both the business lens and the security lens that we we do take into consideration.
Obviously, my office is predominantly focused on cybersecurity threats in the evolving landscape.
And so as technology continues to be used, even not just for public sector, but also private sector, those cyber threats continue to evolve.
My office's responsibility to ensure we have adequate protections and defense in place.
Shahana K. Hanif
So who within the office leads on understanding what the consequences and what the positives positive outcomes are of biometric surveillance.
Kelly Moan
It would be a collaborative effort with a number of different offices, including agencies,
Shahana K. Hanif
which are.
Kelly Moan
A few a few come to minds, including UTI's participation patient from a technology perspective, but also agencies that are endeavoring to use that technology as well.