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Board of Corrections' reporting requirements and grievance procedures



41 sec

Council Member Keith Powers outlines the reporting requirements and grievance procedures established for the New York City Board of Corrections. He emphasizes the Board's role in addressing complaints and improving the grievance process.

  • Board must establish procedures for hearing grievances and complaints
  • Triennial report required on issues related to the department's grievance process
  • Report must include feedback from incarcerated individuals and recommendations for improvements
  • Special focus on improving the grievance process for vulnerable populations
Keith Powers
The BOC is required to establish procedures for the hearing of grievance his complaints or requests for assistance by or on behalf of any person held or confined under the jurisdiction of the department or by any employee of the department.
BC also issues a report at least every 3 years on issues related to the department's grievance process.
Such report must incorporate direct feedback from incarcerated individuals and proposed direct commissions for relevant improvements and include a section of recommendations on how to improve the grievance process for vulnerable populations, including incarcerated individuals who are lesbian gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming.
Such report must be submitted to the council and posted on the board's website. pigeon logo

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