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Composition and appointment process of the Board of Corrections



40 sec

Council Member Keith Powers details the structure and appointment process for the New York City Board of Corrections. He explains the distribution of appointments and the terms of service for Board members.

  • Board consists of 9 members with appointments split between the mayor, city council, and judicial authorities
  • Members serve 6-year terms
  • Mayor designates the chairman from among the 9 members
  • Board can appoint an executive director and support staff
Keith Powers
The BOC could consists of 9 members, 3 members appointed by the mayor, 3 by the council, and 3 by the mayor on the nomination jointly by the presiding justices, of the appellate division of the Supreme Court for the 1st and second judicial appointment departments.
Appointments are made by 3 respective appointing authorities on a rotating basis to fill any vacancy.
The chairman of the board is designated by the mayor from among its 9 members.
The members are appointed for 6 year terms that vacancy's or remainder of the unexpired term, the BOC may appoint an executive director to serve at its pleasure with such duties and responsibilities as a board may assign and other professional clerical and support.
Support personnel within appropriations for such purpose. pigeon logo

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