Functions and responsibilities of the City Planning Commission
151 sec
Council Member Keith Powers provides a detailed overview of the functions and responsibilities of the City Planning Commission (CPC). The CPC is responsible for planning related to the city's growth, development, and welfare.
- CPC reviews and has veto power over zoning changes, city map changes, and major city projects
- It oversees implementation of environmental review laws and assists in developing the city's capital strategy
- CPC is responsible for establishing minimum standards for ULURP applications and environmental reviews
Keith Powers
Before I introduce the candidate, I will review the functions and membership qualifications of the CPC, City Planning Commission is responsible for the conduct of planning related to the orderly growth, improvement, and future development of the city, including adequate and appropriate resources for the housing business industry, transportation, distribution, recreation, cultural comfort, convenience, health, and welfare of its population.
CPC is also responsible for the review of and has veto our overall proposals to change the zoning map, the city map, and the text of the zoning resolution, site selections for city capital projects, All major concessions proposed franchises and revocable consents as the Department of Cityplane determines what have land use impacts.
Proposed housing and urban renewal plans pursuant to state and federal law, sales, acquisitions, leases and other dispositions of real property, of and by the city, and the granting of special permits pursuant to zoning resolution.
The CDC oversees the implementation of laws are required by Mount reviews of actions taken by the city in particular city environmental quality review, the state environmental cloud review act, the National Environmental Policy Act.
CPC assist the mayor and other officials in developing the 10 year capital strategy, the 4 year capital program, as well as the annual statement of needs.
The CPC is also responsible for promulgating various roles, establishing the minimum standards for certification of applications that are subject to universal uniform land use review procedure, commonly known as Ulerb, establishing the minimum standards of procedural requirements for community boards, both presidents, both boards, and the commission itself and the exercise of their duties and responsibilities in Mueller, established links specific time periods for precertification review of applications subject to U LARB, establishing the procedures for environmental reviews required by law, including the procedures for the preparation and filing of environmental assessment statements and environmental impact statements, establishing the minimum standards for the form it can content of 197 a plans.
Listing major concessions are establishing a procedure for determining whether a concession is defined as a major concession.
CPUs also has the power to modify any amendments proposed by the mayor to change the rules governing site selection and fair distribution of city facilities.
It has the exclusive power to propose additional categories of land use actions to review pursuant to Euler, subject to enactment by the city council.