Helen Skipper's perspective on the Rikers Island closure plan
106 sec
Helen Skipper discusses her support for the plan to close Rikers Island and move to borough-based facilities, while also suggesting modifications to improve the plan's effectiveness.
- Skipper supports the closure plan but calls for modifications to make it more culturally and gender-responsive.
- She emphasizes the need to address the unique needs of women and gender-expansive individuals in the criminal justice system.
- Skipper advocates for focusing on deflection, diversion, and alternatives to incarceration rather than adding more bed space.
- She suggests diverting funds to community-based organizations to help reduce recidivism and promote rehabilitation.
Keith Powers
The city council, a few years ago, passed a plan to move off a microzylin, to close down the facility of a microzylin, and move into Barbates to facilities, if that's something you support?
And can you talk about what role the BOC might play in moving that plan forward or when actually implemented, what role the POC might play to ensure that there's a successful transition from the facilities and micros Island to the borough facilities?
Helen Skipper
I am supportive of that plan, but I do wanna note with some modifications.
Number 1, it is imperative that we look to be in more culturally and gender responsive.
The criminal justice system as a whole was built for male detainees when you are dealing with women and gender expansive folks.
We need to be responsive to their unique needs.
I don't feel that the current iteration of the plan now is at best responsive to that.
I don't feel that this city needs to add more bed space.
I believe if we defund and, again, lean a little bit more heavily on deflect and diversion and alternatives to incarceration.
People need more bed space.
And at these funds, can beat diverted to community based organizations that are out here, boots on the ground as far as helping to taint down recidivism, helping to brainstorm the atmosphere.
Helping to lean the system toward rehabilitation more so than punitive confinement.