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Introduction of Health and Hospitals Corporation appointment nominees



35 sec

Council Member Keith Powers introduces the final public hearing for two council designations for appointment to the Health and Hospitals Corporation. He names the nominees: Trisha Tate from Queens and Dr. Vincent Calamia from Staten Island, along with their respective term expiration dates.

  • Trisha Tate's term will expire on March 28, 2025
  • Dr. Vincent Calamia's term will expire on March 20, 2026
  • Both nominees are designated by the council and appointed (or reappointed) by the mayor
Keith Powers
Our final public hearing today will be on 2 council designations for appointment by the mayor to the Health And Hospitals Corporation.
If you folks wanna come and join the dance We have 1st, we have Trisha Tate, a resident of Queens, who is designated by the council and appointed by the mayor, will be eligible to serve the remainder of a 5 year term.
That will expire on March 28 2025.
And doctor Vin is it Vincent?
Vincent and I would type Fencing Columbia, a resident of Staten Island, who designated by the council and reappointed by the mayor, and will be eligible for the remainder of a 5 year term that will expire on March 20, 20 26.
You guys welcome. pigeon logo

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