Lobbyist reporting database and its effectiveness
69 sec
Michael McSweeney discusses the lobbyist reporting database, highlighting its features and effectiveness in promoting transparency and compliance in lobbying activities.
- The database provides public access to information on lobbyists, their clients, and payment amounts
- Allows for uploading of retainer contracts and other relevant documents
- Serves as a valuable resource for public information on lobbying activities
- Acts as an incentive for lobbyists to file their reports accurately and on time
- Contributes to the overall effectiveness of lobbying regulations and enforcement
Michael McSweeney
One of the great improvements of of the office has been the lobbyist reporting database.
The lobbying reporting database shows who the lobbyists are, how much they're reporting, it, you know, allows you to upload your your paper The the I'm sorry.
The retainer.
Thank you.
The retainer, I'm having a break for it.
You know, it allows you to upload your retainer so we know the, you know, the retainer fee I'm sorry, the retainer contract between the lobbyists and the clients.
You can upload, you know, other information as needed, and it's very effective in terms of being a resource for people to know who is lobbying the government and how much they're getting paid to do so.
So that has been a very handy, you know, tool in our enforcement, and, you know, we're we're happy about that.
So So lobbyists know that this information is out there for the public, and we think that that's the best incentive for people to do their filing.