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Membership qualifications and structure of the City Planning Commission



51 sec

Council Member Keith Powers explains the membership qualifications and structure of the City Planning Commission (CPC). The CPC consists of 13 members with specific appointment procedures and term lengths.

  • Members are chosen for their independence, integrity, and civic commitment
  • Appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the city council, except for the chair
  • Members serve staggered 5-year terms, with no limit on the number of terms
  • The vice chair receives an annual salary of $73,855, while other members receive $64,224
Keith Powers
City planning commission consists of 13 members with a chair and 6 appointments made by the mayor.
1 by the public advocate and 1 by each barrel president.
Members are to be chosen for their independence, integrity, and civic commitment.
The appointments of all members, except the chair, are subject to the advice and consent of the city council.
CBC members, except for the chair, who serve serve that the pleasure of the mayor, serve for staggered 5 year terms, which begin the day after I operation of the previous term.
For purposes of chapter 68 of the charter, CPC members other than the chair shall not be considered regular employees of the city of New York, They are prohibited from holding any other city office while serving on the CPC.
There's no limitation on the number of terms the CPC member may serve.
The member is designated as vice chair receives an annual salary of $73,855.
The other members received annual salary of $64,224. pigeon logo

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