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Overview of nominations to be heard in the committee meeting



59 sec

Council Member Keith Powers presents an overview of the five nominations to be considered during the committee meeting. The nominations include:

  • Michael McSweeney for reappointment as City Clerk and Clerk of the Council
  • Raju Mann for membership on the City Planning Commission
  • Helen Skipper for the New York City Board of Corrections
  • Tricia Tate for appointment to the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
  • Dr. Vincent Camilla for reappointment to the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Keith Powers
And so today, we'll be hearing a public hearing on 5 nominations for a appointment.
We'll be considering the reappointment of a man who needs no introduction, Michael McSweeney, as a city clerk and clerk of the council.
The Manhattan Bureau of President's request for the council's advice that consent in connection with the denomination of a person also familiar to his body, Raju Man.
For membership on the city planning commission.
The nomination of Helen Skipper to serve as a New York City member member of the New York City Board of Corrections.
Their proposed designation of Tricia Tate for appointment by the mayor as director of New York City Health And Hospitals Corporation.
And the proposed designation of Doctor Vincent Camilla for a pre appointment by the mayor as a director of the New York City Health And House Results Corporation.
Welcome and congratulations to all on your nominations.
We will begin today's hearing of Resolution 457 related to the nomination.
Of Michael McSweeney for reappointment as New York City clerk and clerk of the council. pigeon logo

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