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Staffing challenges in the Lobbying Bureau



86 sec

Michael McSweeney outlines the staffing challenges faced by the Lobbying Bureau, highlighting the disproportionate workload compared to similar state-level offices. He explains how the small team manages to handle their responsibilities despite limited resources.

  • Lobbying Bureau operates with only five full-time staff members
  • Comparison to the state lobbying commission, which has over 20 people focused on similar work
  • Description of how the team juggles various responsibilities throughout the year, including enforcement, training, and audits
Michael McSweeney
So that's just one area.
On the lobbying side, we have a very small group of of dedicated people.
Doing the work that in New York State, we have, I think, you know, we we have five people working full time.
In the lobbying bureau.
And compared, we have more than half of the number of people that the state lobbying issue, a colo leg, I think, is what it's now referred to has.
And I think they have, you know, over twenty people just focused on lobbying.
So we're doing like the lion you know, that kind of work with five people.
So we know how to juggle work, and I'm very fortunate to have a dedicated, smart excellent team, but it you you know, we get everything done because we've we've kinda learned how to do things on a on a calendar basis.
So we do enforcement in the beginning of the year.
We, you know, we just got through our first round of appearances at o all of the adjudication of lobbying issues are done at oath, and and then we do training in the second half of the year.
So and then we do audits throughout the year.
So it it you know, right now, we're we need more people in the lobbying bureau.
It's just if somebody were to be out sick or if somebody were to leave, we would be in a big jam. pigeon logo

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