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How many notifications about repaving, resurfacing, speed bumps, and other similar projects are sent to community boards and council members monthly?



122 sec

The NYC Department of Transportation does not provide a specific number on monthly notifications to community boards and council members regarding repaving, resurfacing, speed bumps, and similar projects.

  • DOT staff attend community meetings daily to discuss ongoing projects.
  • For projects affecting parking over 1,000 feet or 4+ blocks, notifications are sent around 2 months in advance per regulations.
  • DOT coordinates with other agencies like the MTA and DDC on large projects to ensure community notification.
  • Around 900 permits affecting parking are issued daily, so notifying community boards/council members for each would lead to thousands of notifications weekly.
Joann Ariola
So we're gonna go to 103.
Where we're asking for notification.
You you did note in your testimony that you notified for repaving, resurfacing, at speed bumps and things of that nature to community boards and council members.
How many of those notifications go out monthly?
Margaret Forgione
So to first comment on what you said before, we very much support the intent of many of these bills, and we're more than happy to work with the council on them.
We can't just accept them wholesale if they have implications or there are issues with them.
So I would just like to make a statement that we're very willing to work with you and your colleagues to see how we can go forward with these bills.
In terms of notifications to community boards, we have our borough commissioners and other staff that are at community meetings like, literally each and every day talking through the projects that we're working on.
When they affect parking, obviously, we speak about the parking We comply with the major transportation project law, which states that if we're affecting a 1000 feet of parking or 4 or more blocks.
We provide notification that's about a number of parties, and it's about 2 months before we would remove any of that parking.
We also work with entities for construction related purposes like the MTA or the Department of Design And Construction when a large project is coming to make sure that communities are notified.
The tricky thing about the bill that you're proposing while we understand the intent of it is that as I stated, we have each and every day.
We issue about 900 permits.
That can affect or do affect parking.
And for us to to start to delay that permit process, and either do notifications ourselves or require those entities to notify community boards or council members.
They'd be inundated with thousands and thousands of vacations every week.
So that's where we feel that 1 is a little tricky. pigeon logo

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