Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
Margaret Forgione, First Deputy Commissioner of the NYC Department of Transportation, on Intro 746 and modifying vacant paved medians to enhance resiliency through vegetation and stormwater management infrastructure
155 sec
Forgione explains that the NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) supports the intent of a bill to modify vacant paved medians by planting vegetation or adding stormwater management infrastructure.
- The administration aims to enhance resiliency and has increased focus on stormwater management due to more intense and frequent storms
- DOT works closely with other agencies like the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Parks Department to make infrastructure more resilient
- DOT has embraced installing porous pavement and other stormwater practices for projects that disturb over an acre or add 5,000 sq ft of impervious surface
- DOT and DEP have completed or plan to complete 92 linear miles of porous pavement managing 450 million gallons of stormwater per year
- DOT also implements planted medians through capital projects on priority corridors for greening
- However, DOT has concerns about a blanket mandate and wants to target areas most needing stormwater infrastructure
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Margaret Forgione, First Deputy Commissioner of the NYC Department of Transportation on Intro 745 and the proposed annual cycling study and data tracking by DOT
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Margaret Forgione, First Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department of Transportation on Intro 773 and DOT's coordination efforts and procedures for issuing notices of violation for sidewalk defects