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Robin Felsher, Member of Families for Safe Streets, on the Pedestrian Safety Crisis and Need for Legislative Action in New York City



145 sec

Robin Felsher, a member of Families for Safe Streets, delivers an emotional testimony about the pedestrian public safety emergency plaguing New York City. She recounts the tragic loss of her wife, Lori Kleinman, who was fatally struck by an SUV driven by an Uber driver while crossing the street, highlighting the lack of consequences for the driver.

  • Felsher calls for concrete steps from the council to protect pedestrians, such as raised crosswalks, speed reducers near schools, and installation of bollards.
  • She strongly advocates for the decriminalization of jaywalking, which disproportionately targets Black and Brown New Yorkers.
  • Felsher urges the council to make the necessary changes to prevent crashes like the one that claimed her wife's life and the loved ones of many other Families for Safe Streets members.
Robin Felsher
Ah, thank you.
Thank you, chairperson, Brooks Powers, the committee and other council persons who have serving New York.
We really appreciate your service.
My name is Robin Felsher.
I'm a member of families for safe streets.
And I'm here today for the first time at a city council hearing.
So, 1, speak on the pedestrian public safety emergency we're experiencing and 2, to urge counsel to take concrete steps to put to protect pedestrians.
I'm also here, I'm after myself, my beloved wife of 12 years, Lori Kleinman, 76, who was hit at about 6 45 PM on October 3rd by a mammoth SUV that was being driven by an Uber driver.
Lori had the green light and was in the middle of the crosswalk on Greenwich Avenue in front of our home when the driver failed to yield and struck her.
She died the next day at Bellevue Medical Center from severe brain trauma.
I have not been told since then that there have been any criminal consequences for the driver as a result of this horrific crash.
My life has been totally upended as a result of Lord's death.
As a member of families for safe streets, I have met many families whose loved ones have been injured or killed by vehicles.
I know for sure that these senseless death synergies could have been prevented.
Podestrian safety improvements make our streets safer for every single road user, raised crosswalks and intersections, and speed reducers near schools are critical infrastructure that will save lives Bollards too are important protection for pedestrians and should be required at sidewalks, curb extensions, and pedestrian ramps.
It is also very important to me that we decriminalize Jaywalking.
Most New Yorkers Jaywalk regularly but enforcement disproportionately, overwhelmingly, and unfairly targets Black and Brown New Yorkers In 2022, 84% of J.
Walking tickets went to Black and Brown New Yorkers.
We deserve a city that makes it safe to travel on our sidewalks and streets no matter what transportation we use.
You have the power to make the changes needed to prevent crashes like the 1 that happened to my wife.
And the loved ones of so many other members of families for safe streets. pigeon logo

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