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What tools and approaches are used by NYPD officers to address jaywalking in different areas?
149 sec
Officers use a combination of educational outreach and enforcement to address jaywalking.
- Some precincts take an educational approach focused on outreach
- Other precincts prioritize issuing citations for jaywalking
- The approach varies across different communities and precincts
- The goal is to promote pedestrian safety and drive down fatalities
- Despite efforts, pedestrian fatalities are up 11 year-to-date in 2023
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Do do you have an idea of what tools in a toolbox the officers and other precincts to have a lower citations for Jaywalking are using because I'm sure there are high crash areas as well.
Because, like, when you right here by City Hall, People j walk back and forth going across these streets here in certain communities, downtown Brooklyn, folks are crossing a CMJ walk in all the time, but they're not necessarily getting these citations either.
So what are those officers seeing or doing differently or or how are they engaging differently versus the ones that, like you said, are being strategic with those tickets or engagements rather.
Deputy Chief Thomas Alps
Well, I could say from a 115, they're doing both approach.
They're they're doing an educational outreach approach, and they're doing an enforcement approach.
So they're combining in in in both ways.
Some commands perhaps strictly go with an educational approach.
Every command, every community is different.
And the officers approach it in a different manner.
There's really no specific directive directive given down.
But we want the the public to know that we expect them to cross these cross these roadways in a safe manner and and and we know through common sense, the the the crosswalks with with the signal is the safest area for them.
And we wanna drive down the numbers of pedestrian pedestrian fatalities, to 0, and we and we made a great accomplishment in in 2023 to the lowest numbers in quite some time.
It's not looking that way this year.
We're plus 11 year to date in pedestrian fatalities.
We had 2 pedestrians struck just this morning, went up in Modhaven, 149 in Morris, struck mid block, crossing the road, critically injured, The other 1 on 58th between 9th and 10th, crossing mid block struck and killed.
So this is a serious problem that I think just AAA blanket
Eric McClure
Deputy Chief Thomas Alps
Legalizing it and put the message out there.
It's a free fall would be a very bad message and and would be a extreme danger to to public safety.