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William Medina, Delivery Worker from the Worker Justice Project and Los Deliveristas Unidos, on Safety Measures for Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Delivery Workers in New York City
135 sec
William Medina, a delivery worker and member of the Worker Justice Project and Los Deliveristas Unidos, testifies before the NYC City Council about the need for improved safety measures for pedestrians, bike riders, and delivery workers in the city.
- He advocates for legislative proposals aimed at enhancing safety by building better infrastructure for e-mobility devices.
- He specifically supports legislation to improve pedestrian and e-bike rider safety.
- Medina calls for collaboration with the City Council to prioritize education and empowerment over punitive measures.
- He seeks partnership to redesign sidewalks, expand protected bike lanes, and ensure affordable access to e-mobility devices for workers.
William Medina
Good afternoon.
Thank you to console member, Brooks Powers, Chair of the Committee of Transportation And Infrastructure.
Another member of this committee for the opportunity to testify on behalf of the working justice project Hello, Deliveristos Munoz.
My name is William Medina.
I'm a Deliveristo with Uber Eats, member of work at Justice Project, and leader of Deliveristos Munoz.
To fight for better warplay condition for a base delivery market in the Gig Economy.
We are grateful to testify today in support of a number of legislative proposals that will make our safer for pedestrian bike riders and deliveries.
As a delivery worker, I work on the front lines delivering food and essential goods to New Yorkers who rely on us to stay home safe.
We work as independent contractors for multi $1, 000, 000, 000 up delivery companies who are continuously pressuring us to do this job faster.
Without regard to our safety.
As more and more workers depend on e micro mobility devices to work or get to work.
There is a need to build a better infrastructure that keeps e by working cyclists and pedestrian safe.
We strongly support in 0144, 00790095, which will improve the safety of pedestrian and ebike riders.
As deliveries as we deeply care about the safety and pedestrian, and we are looking forward to working with New York City Council to deliver a comprehensive approach to safety while that prioritized education, collaboration and empowerment rather than punitive measures.
Our city has an infrastructure crisis that does not meet the new reality of working class in New Yorkers.
New workers.
As well as deliveries as new years, we are looking forward to working together to make the stay safe for pedestrian, e bike riding, and all new Yorkers.
We're ready to partner with New York City Council to deliver its safety location, resign our sidewalks, and expand by protected bike lanes, and make accessible and affordable to transition to in micro mobility devices.
Thank you all console member for your support, and we are ready to empower our community I'll protect everyone in our streets.
Thank you for your time and consideration.