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CORE's staffing needs and strategies for fulfilling its mandate



148 sec

Councilmember Williams and Linda Tigani discuss CORE's future staffing needs, concerns about fulfilling its mandate with current staffing levels, and strategies for prioritizing work.

  • Tigani expresses that CORE will need additional staff to fully carry out its mandate, especially for assessing plans and handling community complaints
  • Current staffing levels may not be adequate to handle the expected volume of work
  • CORE plans to prioritize work by assigning at least one person to each charter mandate
  • Strategies for expanding capacity include:
  • Developing college and high school internship programs
  • Bringing on SYEP interns for organizing and engagement work
  • Exploring collaborations with researchers and other groups to support reporting and community voice integration
Nantasha M. Williams
I mean, in your testimony, you talk about how, for now, you seem to be okay but do you want to ramp up in subsequent years?
Or do you feel or do you project that you'll be adequately staff to fully carry out your mandate.
Linda Tigani
At this current moment without additional staff, I don't believe that we will.
We do need additional lines to be able to assess the preliminary plan and the final plan, but also to be able to assess us the complaints that are going we expect to come in from community.
Already during introductory sessions, we hear people tell us Like, can you accept this type of a complaint?
Is this an issue that you could work on?
And so I am expecting that we're going to receive complaints in a higher volume.
And at the current moment, our staff really can only work on what they have on their plate.
Additional com any complaint that comes in would be a stretch if we're not able to capacity.
Nantasha M. Williams
So as you ramp up your full capacity, how will work be prioritized with the lower staffing levels?
Linda Tigani
I'm sorry, how will what?
Nantasha M. Williams
So how will work be prioritized with the lower staffing levels?
Like, let's say you are not able to ramp up, but you your work is going to increase over time.
So how will you prioritize your work and will have not potentially having enough staffers to complete the work?
Linda Tigani
That's a great question.
I suspect at this current moment, both with our current our 7 staff right now and our 5 staff that will be coming in.
We will have at least 1 person assigned to each charter mandate.
We do want to expand the support encore to include college and high school intern ships to be able to have year round interns as well as to have SYEP interns are actually gonna be bringing on SYU PM turns this this summer so that we can support organizing an engagement work.
And I am flooring other opportunities to bring in researchers and different collaboratives to 1, make sure that community void is at the table, but also to to help with the types of reporting that we're expecting will happen in the fall and then in subsequent years.
Nantasha M. Williams
Thank you. pigeon logo

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