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Introduction of Linda Tigani and CORE's mission



137 sec

Linda Tigani introduces herself as the inaugural chair and executive director of the New York City Commission on Racial Equity (CORE). She explains CORE's unique role in ensuring accountability and addressing racial inequities in city government.

  • CORE is described as a one-of-a-kind independent accountability body
  • The commission aims to identify and uproot racism in the city's fabric
  • CORE serves as a partner to both the public and city agencies in advancing racial equity
Linda Tigani
My name is Linda Tajani, and I have the honor of Servine as the inaugural chair and executive director of the New York City Commission on Rachael Equity referred to throughout today's Cesseronia's core.
I lead core in partnership with 13 commissioners and look forward to welcoming 1 more commissioner to be appointed by mayor Adams.
Today's testimony represents a significant step toward further establishing the commission within city government.
Core's focus is to ensure that members of the public who have an equitable power, who historically have been oppressed, and our denied service are included in the groups that the government feels accountable to.
Accountability is critical to democracy and the building of public trust and government in.
Core was created to offer a public channel to bring community and government together to transparently discuss how the legacy of slavery and the structural denial of civil and human rights show up in the practice of a multiracial democracy.
We are 1 of a kind.
There is no comparable independent accountability body on a local state or federal level whose explicit mission is to channel community accountability, to identify and uproot racism in the fabric of our city and to reimagine a city and a set of social systems centering racial equity and social justice.
Core is a partner to the public and our city agencies in the efforts to advance racial equity in New York City's public engagement, legislative, and budgeting process.
Although this testimony is presented in the final days of fiscal year 2025 budgeting process.
The budget process is not over.
And I hope that the discussion today will encourage members of city council ahead of any final decisions to reflect on how our city's fiscal year 2025 budget addresses racism, the legacy of historic racist policies and how our budget can move oppressed communities past mere survival and instead ensure that they receive all of the services they need to live healthy, happy, and safe lives to a place threatening. pigeon logo

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