Testimony by Rajesh Mehra, Senior Most Licensed Creative Arts Therapist at Rikers Island Correctional Facility
3 min
Rajesh Mehra, a senior licensed creative arts therapist at Rikers Island Correctional Facility, testifies about the challenges faced by transgender and non-binary individuals in the correctional system. He emphasizes the need for a Transgender Bill of Rights to address systemic discrimination and improve conditions for this vulnerable population.
- Highlights the disproportionate representation and additional challenges faced by transgender and non-binary individuals in correctional facilities
- Describes the dehumanizing effects of incarceration, particularly on those struggling with societal affirmation
- Advocates for the proposed Transgender Bill of Rights as a crucial step in addressing systemic failures and protecting human rights
Rajesh Mehra
My name is Rajesh Mera, and I'm a public servant.
More specifically, I'm the senior most licensed creative arts therapist at Rickard's Island Correctional Facility.
Where I provided therapeutic care to marginalize populations for over a decade now.
I'm here today to speak in my personal capacity on behalf of the transgender and non binary individuals who I serve, who are often the most vulnerable and overlooked within our correctional systems.
At Rykers, I witness the the profound impact that incarceration has on transgender and non binary people.
They are disproportionately represented within our correctional systems, often due to systemic discrimination and marginalization that happens long before they enter our facilities.
In Europe in years past, back when there was punitive segregation units by name, To me, it seemed like these individuals were overrepresented in that context as well.
When serving their Bing time, If they were let out of their cells at all to participate in my sessions, it was under the condition of having 1 arm shackled to a table and 1 ankle shackled to the floor.
Regardless of whether they had any history of any sort of violence, these kinds of punitive measures only exacerbate the trauma and stigmatization that many have faced throughout their entire lives.
The carousel environment inherently de identifies and dehumanizes individuals but the impact is especially severe for those who already struggle with societal affirmation.
Transgender and non binary individuals clearly those who are also people of color based compounded layers of discrimination.
The the this intersectionality must be acknowledged and addressed in our policies and practices.
The absence of certain legal protections for transgender and non binary people perpetuates a cycle of discrimination and incarceration without access to appropriate medical care, safe housing, and economic security, Many are left vulnerable to criminalization simply for trying to survive.
The proposed transgender bill of rights is a crucial step in addressing these this is.
We must recognize that the marginalization of transgender and non binary people is not just an issue of individual prejudice, but a systemic failure that government has a duty to correct.
By supporting this resolution, we affirm our commitment to human rights and dignity for all people.
Thank you.
For all people regardless of gender identity.
As a therapist, I I strive to create sessions that stand and start contrast the rigid, restrictive, and binary nature of the commercial setting by creating spaces where individuals feel seen, valued, and affirmed.
This approach based on an affirmative therapy model recognizes and celebrates the unique identities of transgender and nonbinary individuals.
It is essential that our laws reflect the same commitment to affirmation and respect.
In incarceration should not strip any 1 of their humanity transcender bill of rights is essential to ensuring that transgender and non binary individuals are treated with the respect and dignity that that they deserve.
It will help to reduce the overrepresentation of these individuals in our criminal justice system and provide the foundation for them to lead safe, healthy, and fulfilling lives.
I urge you to support this resolution, and thank you for your time and consideration.