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New York City Council

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

Jul 09, 2024


11:00 AM

4 hr 26 min


A hearing on the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal to facilitate new housing, commercial development, and public realm improvements around four new Metro North stations coming to the East Bronx.

Discussions focused on:

  • The need for infrastructure like schools, parks, street upgrades, and sewers to support anticipated population growth
  • Parking concerns and calls for parking studies and facilities
  • Accessibility for seniors and those with disabilities
  • Affordability levels and unit sizes
  • Building heights and context with lower-density areas
  • Public space, community benefits, and local hiring

Features testimony from the Department of City Planning, MTA, Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Transportation, Montefiore Medical Center, developers, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Overview of the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley provides an overview of the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He explains that the proposal includes several rezonings within a 46-block area, zoning text amendments to …



37 sec


Public hearing procedures and logistics for the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley outlines the procedures and logistics for the public hearing on the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He explains the hybrid format, registration process, time limits for …



3 min


Council Member Kevin Riley's remarks on the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal

Council Member Kevin Riley shares his thoughts and concerns regarding the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He highlights the need for improved public transportation, addresses parking concerns, and emphasizes the …



3 min


Council member raises concerns about parking near proposed Metro North stations

Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr. expresses concerns about the parking situation in the South Bronx and near the four proposed Metro North stations. He requests that the Department of Transportation …



20 sec


Council member addresses lack of communication with community boards

Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr. expresses concern about the lack of communication with community boards regarding specific projects in the proposed rezoning areas. - Highlights the importance of involving community …



21 sec


Council member Marmorato addresses concerns over proposed building heights and density

Council member Marmorato expresses significant concerns about the proposed redevelopment plan, focusing on the need to balance growth with preservation of community character. She specifically criticizes the proposed building heights …



40 sec


Council member Marmorato emphasizes the importance of homeownership opportunities

Council member Marmorato stresses the critical importance of incorporating homeownership opportunities into any projects resulting from the rezoning. She presents homeownership as a key pathway to growing the middle class …



22 sec


Council member Marmorato addresses parking and transportation concerns

Council member Marmorato expresses significant concerns about the absence of parking mandates in the proposed development plan. She emphasizes that many community members still rely on private vehicles for various …



40 sec


Council member Marmorato highlights increased demand for essential services

Council member Marmorato raises concerns about the increased demand for essential services that will result from the large-scale development project. She emphasizes the need for careful planning and investment in …



27 sec


Council member Marmorato addresses environmental, infrastructure, and safety concerns

Council member Marmorato raises several critical concerns regarding environmental issues, infrastructure capacity, and safety in relation to the proposed development. She highlights flooding problems, sewer infrastructure limitations, street safety issues, …



89 sec


Council member Marmorato concludes with a call for addressing community concerns

Council member Marmorato concludes her remarks by reiterating her commitment to progress in the district while emphasizing that she cannot support the current plan due to the numerous issues she …



25 sec


Introduction to the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan

Paul Philps, Bronx Borough Director of the NYC Department of City Planning, introduces the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan. He highlights the addition of four new Metro North stations in …



54 sec


Overview of the Bronx Metro North Study and proposed changes

Michael Kavalar, Senior Team Leader and Study Project Lead, provides an overview of the Bronx Metro North Study and the associated proposed changes. He outlines the scope of the presentation …



32 sec


Current transit connections and future improvements in the East Bronx

Michael Kavalar discusses the current lack of regional rail connections in the East Bronx and the improvements that will come with the new Metro North service. He emphasizes the benefits …



31 sec


Vision for integrating new Metro North stations into Bronx communities

Michael Kavalar presents the vision for integrating the new Metro North stations into the fabric of Bronx communities. He describes the collaborative planning process and showcases conceptual renderings of potential …



80 sec


Overview of the four Metro North station areas and planning approach

Michael Kavalar provides an overview of the four Metro North station areas and the planning approach taken for each. He emphasizes the diversity of the areas and the station-by-station planning …



88 sec


Proposed zoning map amendments and sub-districts

Michael Kavalar details the proposed zoning map amendments for the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan. He explains the creation of sub-districts and the specific zoning changes proposed for each area. …



110 sec


Zoning text amendments and Special District establishment

Michael Kavalar outlines the proposed zoning text amendments, including the establishment of the Special East Chester East Tremont Corridor District. He details the goals and provisions of the special district. …



104 sec


Mandatory Inclusionary Housing area mapping

Michael Kavalar presents the proposed Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area mapping for the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan. He highlights the significance of this mapping in the context of affordable …



31 sec


Public realm improvements and city map amendments

Michael Kavalar details the proposed public realm improvements and specific city map amendments around the new Metro North stations. He highlights key actions at Morris Park and Parkchester Van Nest …



97 sec


Summary of expected outcomes for the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan

Michael Kavalar summarizes the expected outcomes of the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan, highlighting the potential impact on housing, jobs, and community development in the affected areas. - The plan …



62 sec


Discussion on affordable housing unit sizes and AMI requirements

Council Member Kevin C. Riley discusses the need for affordable housing in the Bronx, focusing on unit sizes and Area Median Income (AMI) requirements. He emphasizes the importance of having …



104 sec


Inquiry into new and improved parks, schools, and libraries for the project

Council Member Riley questions representatives from various city agencies about plans for new and improved parks, schools, and libraries as part of the Bronx Metro North rezoning project. He emphasizes …



5 min


Addressing flooding concerns and stormwater management in the rezoning area

Council Member Riley inquires about plans to address flooding and stormwater management in the rezoning area. Representatives from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Department of City Planning provide …



5 min


Concerns about maintenance of rain gardens and inter-agency coordination

Council Member Riley expresses concerns about the maintenance of rain gardens in the community and the coordination between different city agencies responsible for their upkeep. - Riley points out that …



86 sec


Addressing parking concerns around new Metro North stations

Council Member Riley raises concerns about parking around the new Metro North stations, particularly focusing on the station near Co-op City. He questions representatives from the Department of City Planning …



3 min


Ensuring senior access to new Metro North stations in Co-op City

Council Member Riley addresses concerns about how seniors in Co-op City will access the new Metro North station, given the distance between different sections of the development. He questions MTA …



167 sec


Council Member Farías comments on affordable housing, library funding, and MTA commitments

Council Member Amanda Farías addresses several key issues before moving to her questions. She emphasizes the importance of considering different AMI levels for various resident groups, recommends funding for specific …



139 sec


Discussion on traffic and pedestrian safety improvements for East Tremont Avenue

Council Member Amanda Farías inquires about specific plans to enhance access to the new Metro North station and improve safety along East Tremont Avenue. Representatives from the Department of City …



115 sec


Discussion on affordable housing and income considerations for the rezoning area

Council Member Amanda Farías raises concerns about providing truly affordable housing for current residents in the rezoning area, given the disparity between local median incomes and the 60% AMI threshold. …



126 sec


Addressing congestion and parking concerns related to Metro North stations

Council Member Amanda Farías raises concerns about congestion and parking issues that may arise from the new Metro North stations. She inquires about potential public parking solutions and alternatives to …



177 sec


Discussion on infrastructure needs: schools, parks, and public safety resources

Council Member Amanda Farías inquires about plans for new schools, additional park space, and resources for local precincts and firehouses in light of the proposed rezoning. Representatives from City Planning …



3 min


Council Member Farías emphasizes the need for significant investment in the Bronx

In her closing remarks, Council Member Amanda Farías underscores the importance of seizing this opportunity to make substantial investments in the Bronx. She urges the administration and her colleagues to …



49 sec


Discussion on parking concerns and commitments for new parking studies

Council Member Salamanca raises concerns about parking in his district, particularly related to construction and the new Metro North stations. He seeks commitments from the Department of Transportation for restoring …



3 min


Inquiry into rezoning costs and environmental impact studies

Council Member Salamanca inquires about the costs associated with the rezoning process and the environmental impact studies conducted for the project. City Planning representatives provide information on the process and …



68 sec


Discussion on City Planning's approach to community board presentations

Council Member Salamanca expresses concern about City Planning's approach to presenting rezoning plans directly to community boards without specific developers present. City Planning explains their rationale for this approach. - …



64 sec


Examination of building height concerns at 1601 Bronxdale site

Council Member Salamanca raises concerns about proposed building heights at the 1601 Bronxdale location, particularly in relation to existing buildings in the area. City Planning provides a detailed explanation of …



3 min


Inquiry into concrete community benefits from rezoning project

Council Member Salamanca presses City Planning on the specific community benefits that will be provided as part of the rezoning project. He emphasizes the need for concrete commitments rather than …



96 sec


Discussion on increased housing unit estimates and FAR modifications

Council Member Marmorato questions DCP representatives about the increase in estimated housing units from 6,190 to 7,500 and modifications to Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in certain zones. DCP explains the …



178 sec


Addressing infrastructure and open space concerns with increased density

Council Member Marmorato raises concerns about existing infrastructure and open space in light of the proposed increased density. DCP representatives discuss their approach to addressing these concerns through environmental reviews …



102 sec


Integration of large development sites into the community

Council Member Marmorato questions how large sites like 1601 Bronxdale will be integrated into the community. DCP representatives explain measures to ensure community integration and accessibility. - Plans to extend …



3 min


Tools to ensure developers provide community necessities

Council Member Marmorato inquires about the tools created to ensure developers bring everyday necessities such as open space, schools, and expanded city services to the community. DCP representatives discuss their …



63 sec


Bridge access to Parkchester Van Ness Station and public safety concerns

Council Member Marmorato inquires about plans for a bridge access to Parkchester Van Ness Station and raises concerns about public safety and security. The discussion covers potential station access and …



3 min


Debate over parking mandates and needs in the rezoning area

Council Member Marmorato challenges the proposal to remove parking mandates across the rezoning area, emphasizing the community's reliance on cars. DCP representatives explain their rationale and approach to balancing parking …



4 min


Plans for park and ride facilities and Morris Park station plaza

Council Member Marmorato inquires about plans for park and ride facilities, land acquisition for the Morris Park station plaza, and public involvement in plaza design. The discussion covers various aspects …



3 min


Sewer system capacity, flood control, and road changes for station access

Council Member Marmorato raises concerns about sewer system capacity, flood control, and necessary road changes to facilitate plaza and station access. DEP and DOT representatives provide information on ongoing studies …



3 min


Timeline for Metro North station opening and potential fare prices

Council Member Marmorato inquires about the timeline for Metro North station opening and potential fare prices for the new service. MTA representatives provide information on the project schedule and fare …



115 sec


Addressing community facility needs and adjusting rezoning sites

Council Member Marmorato raises concerns about the lack of community centers and libraries, and inquires about potentially removing or adjusting specific sites in the rezoning plan. DCP representatives discuss potential …



122 sec


Addressing school capacity needs and STEM education integration

Council Member Marmorato inquires about plans to address the need for additional school capacity, particularly at the primary level, and the integration of STEM education. DCP representatives discuss potential solutions …



111 sec


Addressing limited parks and open space in the rezoning area

Council Member Marmorato raises concerns about the impact of rezoning on already limited parks and open space. She inquires about plans for improvements and funding for specific parks in her …



153 sec


Addressing adverse traffic impacts identified in environmental impact statement

Council Member Marmorato inquires about plans to address significant adverse traffic impacts identified in the environmental impact statement. DOT representatives discuss their approach to examining and mitigating traffic issues in …



7 min


DEP's work to prepare for future storms and climate change impacts

Council Member Marmorato inquires about DEP's efforts to prepare communities in the East Bronx for future storms and climate change impacts, both within and outside the 100-year flood plain. DEP …



105 sec


MTA's progress and timeline for new Metro North stations

Council Member Kevin C. Riley inquires about the MTA's progress towards opening new Metro North stations by 2027. The MTA representative explains that they are currently evaluating the success of …



63 sec


Potential reduced fares for NYC and Bronx riders on new Metro North service

Council Member Riley inquires about the possibility of reduced fares for riders using the new Metro North service within NYC limits or for Bronx residents. The MTA representative indicates that …



49 sec


ADA accessibility features at new Metro North stations

Council Member Riley asks about the ADA accessibility components at the new Metro North stations. The MTA representative confirms that all four new stations will be fully ADA accessible. - …



20 sec


Plans for MTA bus connections to new Metro North stations

Council Member Riley raises concerns about connections between MTA buses and the incoming rail networks. The MTA representative outlines their approach to facilitating these connections. - The MTA is continuously …



38 sec


Discussions on Northern Access Point at Parkchester Van Ness Station

Council Member Riley inquires about the status of talks regarding a possible Northern Access Point to the Parkchester Van Ness Station directly from 1601 Brockston. The MTA representative provides limited …



35 sec


Council member inquires about public process for MTA fare changes

Council Member Amanda Farías inquires about the public process for changing MTA fares for the new Metro North service. An MTA representative explains that any fare changes would require a …



81 sec


Testimony by Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx Borough President, on Bronx Metro North Rezoning Proposal

Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx Borough President, expresses strong support for the Metro North expansion project in the Bronx. She highlights the project's potential to improve transit access, create jobs, and …



11 min


Testimony by Ken Fisher, Representative for 1880 East Tremont Avenue Owner

Ken Fisher, representing the owner of 1880 East Tremont Avenue, testified in support of the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal with a specific request for a modest height increase. He …



106 sec


Council Member Riley inquires about zoning differences

Council Member Kevin C. Riley asks Ken Fisher to explain the differences between the proposed R8X Zone And District versus the alternative R8 District. He also inquires about the benefits …



17 sec


Ken Fisher explains zoning differences and height limits

Ken Fisher responds to Council Member Riley's question, explaining the similarities and differences between the R8X and R8 zoning designations. He focuses on the height limit as the main distinction. …



44 sec


Discussion on senior housing and homeownership options

Council Member Amanda Farías inquires about the potential for senior housing and affordable homeownership options in the development project. Ken Fisher, representing the property owner, confirms their willingness to explore …



16 sec


Plans for community center and public open space

Council Member Farías and Ken Fisher discuss the development team's commitment to providing space for a community center and creating public open space within the development. - The team is …



147 sec


Job creation and local hiring considerations

Council Member Farías inquires about plans for local hiring and the use of union labor in the construction of the development. - The development team has not yet determined specific …



46 sec


Commercial space and retail rent considerations

Council Member Farías and Ken Fisher discuss how retail and commercial rents will be determined for the development. - Retail rents will likely be determined by market forces - The …



73 sec


Environmental impact and shadow concerns

Council Member Farías raises concerns about potential shadow impacts on the existing Parkchester apartment complex due to the proposed development. - The Environmental Impact Statement identified potential significant adverse shadow …



48 sec


Development timeline and next steps

Council Member Farías inquires about the estimated timeline for development, given the community's long wait for progress on the vacant lot. - The development won't begin immediately after council approval …



82 sec


Testimony by Brett Buehr, Representative of Parkchester Preservation Company

Brett Buehr, representing Parkchester Preservation Company, presents testimony in support of the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He discusses the company's ownership of two garage sites in Parkchester and their …



164 sec


Testimony by Zach Bernstein, Partner at Fried Frank, Land Use Counsel to Parkchester Preservation Company

Zach Bernstein, representing Parkchester Preservation Company, expressed support for the city's rezoning proposal while recommending modifications to accommodate the unique needs of the garage sites. He highlighted the challenges of …



109 sec


Discussion on parking plans for Parkchester development

Council Member Riley inquires about parking plans for the Parkchester development, focusing on the existing garage's capacity and future arrangements. The representative from Parkchester Preservation Company provides details on current …



171 sec


Preservation plans for terracotta sculptures at Parkchester

Council Member Riley follows up on the plans for the terracotta sculptures on the existing Parkchester garage. The representative explains their approach to preserving these historical elements. - Terracotta sculptures …



61 sec


Development timeline and phasing for Parkchester garage site

Council Member Amanda Farías inquires about the timeline and phasing of the Parkchester garage site development. The representative explains the plan to develop in two phases, starting with the 1990 …



3 min


Building height trade-offs and development scenarios

Council Member Farías asks about the trade-offs between building height and different development scenarios. The representative explains the benefits of allowing greater height to create a more ideal development program. …



3 min


Addressing shadow impacts and building design considerations

Council Member Farías raises concerns about shadow impacts on the existing Parkchester apartment complex. The representative discusses their approach to mitigating these impacts through building design. - Shadow studies have …



84 sec


Community integration and benefits of the new development

Council Member Farías inquires about how the new development will integrate with the existing Parkchester community and what benefits it will bring. The representative outlines several community-oriented features and commitments. …



109 sec


Timeline for redevelopment and required approvals

Council Member Farías asks about the timeline for redeveloping the Parkchester garages and any additional approvals needed. The representative explains the process and potential constraints. - The team is prepared …



89 sec


Relationship between new development and existing Parkchester complex

Council Member Farías seeks clarification on the connection between the new development and the existing Parkchester condo complex, particularly regarding finances and capital needs. The representative explains the separation between …



4 min


Commitment to ongoing community engagement

Council Member Farías asks for a commitment to ongoing community engagement throughout the development process. The representative affirms their commitment to continued communication. - The development team commits to returning …



32 sec


Testimony by Ruben Diaz Junior, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Montefiore Medical Center

Ruben Diaz Junior, representing Montefiore Medical Center, expresses strong support for the Bronx Metro North Area Study, particularly emphasizing the potential for creating a "wellness village" and biotech hub in …



4 min


Testimony by Nora Martins, Land Use Counsel to Baker Development LLC from Akerman LLP

Nora Martins, representing Baker Development LLC, testified in support of the Bronx Metro North Station area study proposal. She outlined plans for a mixed-use development on their 1.7-acre site near …



154 sec


Testimony by Leslie Himmel, Principal of Himmel and Meringoff Properties

Leslie Himmel, Principal of Himmel and Meringoff Properties, testifies in support of the proposed Metro North rezoning, highlighting the potential for their 8-acre site at 1601 Bronkstell to be transformed …



175 sec


Questions about Baker Avenue development height and impact

Council Member Kevin C. Riley questions the development team about the proposed height and impact of the Baker Avenue project. The discussion focuses on how the 12-story development would fit …



91 sec


Montefiore Medical Center's vision and infrastructure needs

Council Member Riley inquires about Montefiore Medical Center's plans for growth and how the rezoning would facilitate this growth. Ruben Diaz Junior, representing Montefiore, outlines the institution's vision and potential …



3 min


Details and considerations for 1601 Bronxdale Avenue development

Council Member Riley asks specific questions about the 1601 Bronxdale Avenue project, including costs, housing units, and potential alternatives. The development team provides detailed responses. • The pedestrian connection to …



139 sec


Council member concludes questioning

Council Member Kevin C. Riley concludes his questioning session by turning to his counsel. • This brief remark signals the end of the council member's direct questioning of the development …



1 sec


Council member inquires about zoning changes and building heights for 1601 Bronxdale Avenue

Council Member Kristy Marmorato questions the development team about the zoning change from R61 to R73 for the 1601 Bronxdale Avenue site. The discussion covers the reasons for the zoning …



4 min


Council member discusses open space, community benefits, and school plans for 1601 Bronxdale Avenue

Council Member Kristy Marmorato inquires about plans for open space, community benefits, and school construction at the 1601 Bronxdale Avenue site. The development team provides information on their commitments and …



5 min


Council member inquires about Baker Avenue development plans

Council Member Kristy Marmorato questions the development team about specific plans for the Baker Avenue project, including building heights, property acquisition, and community benefits. • The maximum building height on …



5 min


Council member discusses Montefiore Medical Center's development plans and parking concerns

Council Member Kristy Marmorato expresses support for Montefiore Medical Center's development plans while raising concerns about parking in the area. The discussion focuses on potential solutions to accommodate parking needs …



126 sec


Testimony by Charlene Jackson Mendez, Vice President of Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance

Charlene Jackson Mendez, a homeowner and community activist from the Van Nest section of the Bronx, expresses deep concerns about the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. She argues that the …



141 sec


Testimony by Anaya A., Member of the Public

Anaya A., a Haitian-American woman, expresses frustration with the meeting's proceedings and shares personal experiences of discrimination and economic challenges in New York City. She criticizes the system for forcing …



172 sec


Testimony by Jack Connors, Research and Communications Associate from Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA

Jack Connors from the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA testifies in support of the Penn Access project and the associated rezoning plan for the East Bronx. He emphasizes …



105 sec


Council member inquires about resident's time in the community

Council Member Kristy Marmorato asks Charlene Jackson Mendez about her length of time in the community. Ms. Jackson Mendez reveals she has been in the Parkchester Van Nest community since …



27 sec


Discussion on community changes and current challenges

Ms. Jackson Mendez describes the changes and challenges in the Van Nest neighborhood over the years. She highlights initial improvements and recent deterioration in community conditions. - Past improvements: park …



161 sec


Discussion on desired community benefits and development concerns

Council Member Marmorato asks about desired community benefits, leading to a discussion on responsible development and community needs. Ms. Jackson Mendez expresses concerns about the proposed development and its impact …



151 sec


Council member discusses housing development and community changes with Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance representative

Council Member Kevin C. Riley engages in a discussion with Charlene Jackson Mendez from the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance about housing development in the northeast Bronx. They discuss the changes …



4 min


Council member concludes discussion and transitions to next panel

Council Member Kevin C. Riley concludes the discussion by emphasizing the long-term nature of housing goals and the need for community engagement. He then transitions to the next panel of …



160 sec


Testimony by Special Education Teacher on Bronx Metro North Rezoning

A special education teacher from the Bronx provided testimony on the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal, focusing on educational and community needs. The teacher emphasized the importance of new schools, …



146 sec


Testimony by Michael Kaess, Resident of Morris Park, on Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan

Michael Kaess, a resident of Morris Park, testifies in support of the Bronx Metro North Neighborhood Plan. He emphasizes the need for increased housing options in the East Bronx and …



104 sec


Testimony by Robert Press, Member of the Public, on Bronx Metro North Rezoning

Robert Press, a resident of Morris Park, testified about his concerns regarding the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He highlighted the evolution of the project from initial community input to …



150 sec


Council Member Marmorato discusses special education needs and questions Robert Press about transportation in Riverdale

Council Member Kristy Marmorato acknowledges the need for a D75 school to serve special education students in the growing community. She then engages in a brief Q&A with Robert Press …



52 sec


Council Member Riley transitions to the next online panel of speakers

Council Member Kevin C. Riley concludes the current testimony and transitions to the next online panel of speakers. He calls for Bernadette Ferrera, Brandon Mohammed, and Kathy Sebak to prepare …



44 sec


Testimony by Bernadette Ferrara, President of Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance, on Bronx Metro North Rezoning

Bernadette Ferrara, President of the Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance, testified on the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. She expressed support for economic growth and affordable housing but emphasized the need …



152 sec


Testimony by Brandon Mohammed, Managing Director of Local Non-Profit ALTD

Brandon Mohammed, a local resident and managing director of a non-profit, expressed minimal dissent to the Metro North expansion project while acknowledging its likely approval. He emphasized the need for …



3 min


Testimony by Austin Celestin, Graduate Planning Student at NYU Wagner and Member of Open New York

Austin Celestin, a graduate planning student at NYU Wagner and member of Open New York, testifies in support of the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He emphasizes the benefits of …



127 sec


Testimony by Kevin Daloia, Member of the Public, on Bronx Metro North Rezoning

Kevin Daloia, a resident of the East Bronx, expressed support for the Metro North expansion project, including the construction of new stations, additional housing, and business development. He emphasized the …



128 sec


Testimony by Diana Finch, Resident of Community Board 11

Diana Finch, a long-time resident of Community Board 11, expresses support for the Metro North rezoning proposal, highlighting its potential to bring affordable housing and revitalize underused areas in the …



106 sec


Testimony by Jim Wright, Transportation Tech and Urban Designer from American Institute of Architects, New York

Jim Wright, representing the American Institute of Architects, New York (AIA New York), strongly supports the Bronx Metro North rezoning proposal. He emphasizes the plan's focus on transit-oriented development and …



140 sec


Testimony by Logan Phares, Political Director of Open New York

Logan Phares, Political Director of Open New York, testified in favor of the proposed Bronx Metro North rezoning, emphasizing the severe housing shortage in New York City and the need …



110 sec


Testimony by Mary Pearson on Co-op City Station Access

Mary Pearson addresses the Co-op City station access problem, focusing on the need for improved access from the south side of the Metro North Station tracks. She urges council members …



110 sec pigeon logo

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