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Council Member Farías emphasizes the need for significant investment in the Bronx



49 sec

In her closing remarks, Council Member Amanda Farías underscores the importance of seizing this opportunity to make substantial investments in the Bronx. She urges the administration and her colleagues to push for the necessary resources and improvements that the community deserves.

  • Farías emphasizes that this rezoning is an opportunity for both administrative and council wins
  • She highlights the need for investments in housing, parks, and community resources
  • The council member points out that this may be one of the few opportunities for significant investment in the Bronx during their tenure
  • Farías urges officials to push back against any resistance to making these needed investments
  • She frames this as an opportunity to address decades of underinvestment in the Bronx
Amanda Farías
I'll wrap there and and hand it back to the chair.
I do just wanna state, you know, this is it is not lost on any of us in this process that this is supposed to be in a administrative win as as well as a council win.
If we want to build the units and we want to make investments in the parks and make investments in our communities and directly to our neighbors.
This is our opportunity to do so.
It might be 1 of the few opportunities the Bronx has at least in our tenure as council members and as the mayor, you know, within the city.
So I urge all of you to push back on any pushback that you folks get on the investments that are needed, but also that bronchitis deserve for the decades of lack of investment that have happened.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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