Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
Public realm improvements and city map amendments
97 sec
Michael Kavalar details the proposed public realm improvements and specific city map amendments around the new Metro North stations. He highlights key actions at Morris Park and Parkchester Van Nest stations.
- The plan includes a series of potential public realm improvements around each station area.
- Five specific city map actions are proposed to facilitate aspects of the improvements.
- At Morris Park, actions include facilitating a future public plaza, widening Marconi Street, and creating a potential future extension of Marconi Street.
- At Parkchester Van Nest, actions include de-mapping to facilitate public realm improvements and mapping to extend Pierce Avenue into a large development site.
- The amendments aim to create more accessible and attractive public spaces around the new stations.
Michael Kavalar
To complement the MTA's work in our own proposed land use actions, DCP also proposes a series of potential public realm improvements around each of the station areas as well as 5 specific city map actions intended to facilitate aspects of that work in which are part of the proposal before you.
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Here we have an aerial sketch showing a potential future at Morris Park.
At Morris Park, in addition to the wider range of proposed improvements here, 3 city map are the subject of land use actions contemplated as part of this application highlighted in pink on this diagram.
They include and action to facilitate a future public plaza at Morse Park and action to facilitate the Winding Marconi Street to allow for sidewalks on its western side and a mapping envelope to facilitate a potential future extension of Marconi Street to the north to solve for long standing transportation issues in the area.
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Similarly, here at Parkchester Van Nest, we have an aerial sketch showing potential future here.
Beyond the series proposed improvements to the public realm, 2 mapping actions included as part of this application are intended to facilitate aspects of this work.
These include a d mapping action to facilitate public realm improvements and create a more regular parcel shown in blue on this diagram as well as a mapping action to extend Pierce Avenue into the large site at 16 1 Bronstel, shown in pink, and meant to provide for public access into the site and a potential third station connection as well as publicly accessible open spaces totaling some 30, 000 plus square feet.
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