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Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez offers community tributes and acknowledgments
98 sec
Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez honors a late community leader, acknowledges Colombian Independence Day, and bids farewell to her chief of staff.
- Pays tribute to David Lopez, a former Young Lord and board chairperson for Los Juarez, who recently passed away
- Thanks Speaker Adams for recognizing Colombian Independence Day and acknowledges Colombian community leaders in New York City
- Expresses gratitude to her departing chief of staff, Anna Bestendorf, for her contributions to various initiatives including fire safety and universal childcare legislation
Jennifer Gutiérrez
Thank you, majority leader.
I'd first like to recognize the passing of a giant for North Brooklyn, for Los Juarez, for the south side, David Lopez, who passed away 2 weeks ago, a former young lord, a former board chairperson, for Los Juarez, Brooklyn legal services, Corp A.
And my mentor in organizing who taught me, you show up for everybody because no one struggles by themselves.
So we will be honoring his legacy this weekend and just wanted to give my condolences to his family.
And the extended Los Juarez family who I know will miss him dearly.
I also just wanna thank speaker Adams for recognizing Colombian Independence Day.
We lost last Sunday, but we had a good fight.
I quickly just wanna acknowledge amazing Colombian leaders that have been organizing in the city for a long time.
Including Luis Eduardo Acosta, who's the organizer of the festival of Las Flores, Alejandro Martin, Aleksandra, Aristobal, and Carlos Calle Choravalo.
Thank you all so much for all that you do, guys.
This is Portola Cassin.
And lastly, I just want to take a second to thank my wonderful, intelligent, hardworking chief of staff on a Bestendorf who will be leaving the council or leaving my office this week.
She's been instrumental to to my office in the creation and the distribution of the fire guide after experiencing traumatic fire in her own home, instrumental in our universal childcare legislation, instrumental for our tech committee, and so much more.
You will be miss Anna.
Thank you so much for your dedication and commitment to District 34.
That's it.
Thank you.