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Project objectives and community benefits of the 500 Kent Avenue development



61 sec

The presentation outlines the project's aims and potential benefits to the neighborhood and broader community. The development seeks to link various parts of the area and provide multiple advantages to local residents.

  • Redevelop a vacant lot currently used for school bus parking
  • Create a public walkway on the waterfront, connecting with similar public ways
  • Provide additional public access points from Kent Avenue to Wallabout Channel
  • Offer employment opportunities and generate taxes for the city
Raymond Levin
The project aims beyond hopefully making a positive return on investment is to redevelop the site in a matter that links the new residential development to the north.
The established South Williamsburg neighborhood to the east and the Navy Yard to the south.
The proposed project will contribute to the neighborhood and broader community by improving a vacant lot, currently used for school bus parking, creating a public walkway on the waterfront that will ultimately connect with similar public ways, both North And South.
By creating additional public access points from Kent Avenue to the Wallabout Channel, providing space for both offices and retail businesses, which can offer services and employment to opportunities for local residents and generate taxes for the city, including real estate sales and payroll taxes.
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