Kristy Marmorato
Thank you, majority leader.
It's an honor to introduce a local law that hits close to home and one that many parents and guardians of children that reside in New York City will appreciate.
Today, I'm introducing a bill that will require all schools public, private, and charter to stock air airway clearing devices in their building.
I am glad to have a fellow mom, counsel member Paladino, as a co prime.
This bill was inspired by a personal family tragedy.
In 1992, my grandfather's life was cut short by choking after a failed attempt of the Highmark maneuver.
And every morning, as I make my daughter's lunch before school, I can't help to think of the Hassards are choking, and what happened to him that day.
So I kindly ask my colleagues to sign on to this bill that would ultimately safeguard our children and save their lives.
But once this bill is passed, don't get me wrong, I will still be cutting our lunch into really tiny little pieces but I will have more comfort knowing that the school will have a second line of defense against choking within their building.
I want to thank Nadia Francois for helping to bring this division into a reality.