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Majority Leader Amanda Farías discusses Bronx Metro North rezoning modifications and investments



133 sec

Majority Leader Amanda Farías speaks about the Bronx specialized rezoning modifications, highlighting the extensive community outreach and the significant capital investments secured for the borough. She emphasizes the positive impact these changes will have on the Bronx's future, including infrastructure improvements and community spaces.

  • Nearly $195 million in capital investments secured from the administration for various upgrades
  • $500,000 in capital improvements committed to the existing Purchaser campus and 10,000 square feet for community-centered spaces
  • Improvements include street upgrades, a parking study, investments in parks and open spaces, and critical improvements to local schools
Amanda Farías
Thank you.
Seeing no one else sign up to speak, I'd like to take a moment myself.
The Bronx, specialized rezoning modifications we're voting on today are focused on building a brighter future for the Bronx.
These design features were informed by extensive community Outreach and purchaser where my neighbors had the opportunity to discuss proposals with the Department of City Planning and local developers.
I took that feedback on the types of community spaces needed, infrastructure enhancements desired, and more directly to the negotiating table.
Securing nearly $195,000,000 in capital investments from the administration was a significant achievement, one that required rigorous negotiations and a strong commitment to our shared vision.
These funds will provide much needed upgrades to our streets including a parking study, investments in parks and open spaces, like a pedestrian bridge over the Bronx River from Hunt's Point to Sound View, and critical improvements to local schools, including roof repairs and auditorium upgrades in 6 schools in the surrounding area.
I'm also proud to announce a commitment of $500,000 in capital improvements to the existing purchaser campus from their development team and 10,000 square feet for our community centered spaces within another development site.
These modifications and the holistic city investments we fought for underscore how this council is demanding long deserved attention that the Bronx, its families, and their futures have always needed.
The success of this rezoning is a testament to our collaboration, our dedication to the neighborhoods that shaped us and our love for our home borough of the Bronx, really the best borough.
I want to take a moment to thank the people who have been working with me all these long hours to get here, my chief of staff, Rebecca Nevez, console venues team, Paris, Chelsea, Ryan, William, and in Dana.
And the folks who have helped see see this move along, my console colleagues, who also fought for their needs in their districts, our 2 developer teams at 1882,000 dash 2040 East Tremont's Commissioner Dan Gronk and the Department of City Planning team, the mayor, the deputy mayor, Torres Springer, and his administration.
I look forward to seeing these positive impacts of this funding carried out by the administration for years to come.
And I urge my my colleagues to vote I today. pigeon logo

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