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Debate over Mastro's past work and its implications for the Corporation Counsel role
7 min
Jumaane Williams questions Randy Mastro about his past work and its implications for the role of Corporation Counsel. The discussion focuses on Mastro's choice of clients and the potential conflicts they might present.
- Mastro defends his pro bono work and community service, citing his involvement with Legal Aid and Citizens Union
- Williams expresses concern about the concept of 'toxic charity' and 'forced generosity'
- The debate highlights the tension between Mastro's private practice experience and the public service nature of the Corporation Counsel role
Jumaane Williams
I would also say, as I've said in the past, something that I personally would do or believe, is not always the best for the public or for government to do.
And I think there's a different and what I would do is a private person and what this role needs as for public attorney.
I'll have a a statement and read a little, and then ask some questions.
Good afternoon.
My name is Charmaine Williams, public advocate of City of New York.
Thank you, Chip Howell, the speaker and the members of committees and rules, privileges and elections for holding us hearing today and give me the opportunity to testify.
In 2019, the New York City charter was amended by a public referendum to among other things required by the rights and consent of the city council for the appointment of the city's top lawyer, the corporation council.
I'm here today to suggest that the members of this committee be concerned and the council as a whole about mayor's nomination Randy Mastro to be the next corporation council.
New York City's corporation council has significant and unique responsibilities.
They serve as both attorney and counsel for the city.
As emphasized in our charter, corporation counsel is to be attorney and counsel for the city, and every agency thereof, and shall have charge in conduct of all the law, business of the city, and its agencies, and in which the city is interested.
They are the sole person authorized to represent New York City And Court as chief legal officer of the city.
They are charged with interpreting municipal law and providing independent analysis to this mayor, city, agencies, and independent city offices.
These duties should serve all New Yorkers our constituents in an ethical balance and fair manner.
I do have concerns that Mister Mashrou would impartially, medically advance these goals, but I have been looking forward to this hearing to see if there's anything that would delay those concerns.
Although everyone is entitled to legal representation in our system, the case of the lawyer argues and the strategies they employ to win may speak to their character, particularly if an attorney chooses those clients and they're not thrust on him.
For much of his career, Mister Matra, has seldom represented has too often represented not represented the interest of the people of New York.
Representing fast food owners to attempt to block minimum wage increase for their workers.
Represented a group of landlords, which led to partially black in the eviction war time during the World of Pandemic.
His representative of the Black of rent stabilization law.
He also represented property owners to oppose him for the enforcement of local 9 law 97.
To create more sustainable buildings.
In addition, represent a restaurant restaurants against enforcement of a polystyrene container ban.
And in an ongoing case, he's arguing that Mattis's grid garden should be allowed to continue using facial recognition software to block entry to lawyers litigating against the company that owns it.
Finally, it is trouble that Mister Mashrooms was involved in New York Jersey's litigation against New York City's congesting pricing plan, which could pose a significant conflict of interest should he become New York City's top lawyer.
In addition to the cases he's chosen to represent many against the interest of the city of New York, some of his tactics are also cause for concern.
For example, in representing plaintiffs in the case to remove 283 homeless men staying in the New Senator Tall, As was mentioned, Mister Mashal Hay private investigators are spy on activist advocating for basic shelter for some of the most marginalized New Yorkers.
As has been widely reported, Mister Mashal oversaw the Bridgegate scandal of new former New Jersey governor Chris Christie.
The federal judge overseeing the Bridgegate investigation has criticized Maestro's tactic of deliberately ensuring investigation notes weren't available in the future, which I believe is a serious ethic concerned.
As the judge stated, the taxpayers of the state state of New York New Jersey excuse me.
The taxpayer of the state of New Jersey paid millions of dollars to conduct a transparent internal investigation.
But they got upset with opacity and gamemanship.
They deserve better.
I believe New Yorkers do as well.
Similarly, the instances in the history of mister Mashroom that do not espouse the current count the professionalism, the current council can endure.
For instance, during his tenure with the Giuliani administration, he was instrumental in dismantling the rights and privileges of many groups, including by removing necessary funding to a social services organization in the midst of the HIV AIDS pandemic within New York City.
Has been said by others that his past career should be revived reviewed, excuse me, beyond the surface.
As deputy mayor under the July administration, he has was with Giuliani as the former mayor, went overboard many times to defend the police when Black and Brown individuals were murdered by NYPD.
Not sure how you would treat the former and not just regarding mayor as a role model.
New York City's top lawyer should promote public confidence in our city and in the legal profession.
The people of the New York City deserve an independent attorney who will protect the city and as people defend the interests of all New Yorkers and ensure the primacy of the public interest, I have concerns about moving forward with this nomination as court counsel.
My most cynical concern is that this administration has a record of obfuscating instances of at worst and about things like no big contracts and at best under preparedness to a degree that can cause harm.
That's probably the avenue I have to question whether intended appointment of someone with a history of the type of 3 actics I described and questionable practice of law, is simply a symptom of that same problem.
Question is, are you here today as a favor from an administration or as or and or the preferred choice of EMEA who would like every city council hearing to be exercised in futility?
Prevent the people of New York City from getting real answers from the public agencies entrusted to provide services and keep our city money.
With that, I do have a a few questions.
I do understand that you face death threats as very serious, and so thank you for the service that you did in addressing all the nice crime.
I'm not sure of that alone is the qualification that should tip you over.
I've heard you mention I've heard a few cases mentioned that could derail things.
Like congested pricing, misurbanization, fast food.
I will say, it seemed like you've picked those cases and put them forward knowing what the result could be.
And you have the abilities in my opinion.
You have the ability to tell people that, look what I did for you.
I stopped from this civilization.
I stopped congestion pricing.
I stopped fast food.
And come before us at a human like this and say that's not what I was trying to do at all.
I would like to try to help congestion pricing, help my civilization, help fast food.
That is a very interesting space to be in.
I also wanna acknowledge all of the pravona work that you've done.
I do think they're important, but I also wanna ask if you are aware of the terms toxic charity and forced generosity.
Randy Mastro
Well, they don't apply to me.
They don't apply to me to the 10 years.
I served as vice chair and then as I'm a board member of legal aid.
Jumaane Williams
But are you aware of the terms?
Randy Mastro
I'm aware what the terms are.
Jumaane Williams
I I and I wanna say this, I don't know if I know you enough to know they apply.
I bring them up because just mentioning pro bono work could be toxic childhood fortune or ethnicity, where people who benefit from bad structures and bad systems, then go back and try to assist people who are harmed by them even though they continue to promote the bad structures and bad.
And so that's possible.
So I'll let you answer my next question.
You can respond to that when my first question.
Rudy Washington