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Mastro defends his role in the Chevron/Ecuador case



121 sec

Randy Mastro responds to Council Member Gennaro's allegations about his involvement in the Chevron/Ecuador case. Mastro argues that he was defending the integrity of the justice system against fraud committed by New York lawyer Steven Donziger.

  • Mastro claims he did not represent Chevron in Ecuador, but rather in exposing litigation fraud
  • He states that judges have thanked him for protecting the integrity of the justice system
  • Mastro emphasizes that his actions were not anti-environment, but about exposing fraud and protecting the judicial system
Randy Mastro
Thank you for raising this councilman.
James Gennaro
I also try to speak up.
I don't hear so well and so I
Randy Mastro
Your your recitation respectfully reads more like a press release from Steve Donziger, the New York lawyer who perpetrated a fraud on our judicial system went to prison and got disbarred for what he did in connection with the Ecuadorian litigation.
James Gennaro
I I was confident you're gonna I was confident you're gonna bring up his name, but please continue.
Randy Mastro
I did not represent Chevron in Ecuador, and the litigate that occurred there, I represented Chevron, not in slap suits.
I won every aspect of the litigation that I brought to expose a litigation fraud, one that the Wall Street Journal called the litigation fraud of the century.
And what we did there was to preserve and protect the integrity of the justice system and the judicial system.
And when I go to that courthouse in the southern district of New York, right across the street.
Judges still come up to me and say thank you for what you did to protect the integrity of the justice system, the judicial system, and it was protecting that system from a New York lawyer who committed bribery, extortion, fraud, and it was ultimately convicted of a crime and lost his bar license.
And There is nothing about that that is a slap suit.
There is nothing about that that is anti environment.
What it is about is protecting the integrity of the judicial system and the justice system.
It's in the highest traditions of our justice system to expose litigation fraud, to see that justice has done, to see that the right result is reached.
James Gennaro
Thank you, Mister Mastro. pigeon logo

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