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Testimony by Georgia Winston, Partner at Walden Macht & Haran LLP on Randy Mastro's Nomination for Corporation Counsel



3 min

Georgia Winston, a former colleague of Randy Mastro, provides testimony in support of his nomination as Corporation Counsel. She highlights Mastro's qualities as an extraordinary lawyer, his dedication to pro bono work, and his commitment to mentoring and fostering diversity.

  • Winston emphasizes Mastro's extensive pro bono work as a reflection of his values and dedication to public service.
  • She describes Mastro's efforts in mentoring junior lawyers, particularly women and people of color, leading to increased diversity in their law firm.
  • Winston attests to Mastro's collegiality and respectfulness, countering concerns about his ability to work with others.
Georgia Winston
Thank you.
My name is Georgia Winston, and I'm here to voice my support for Randy Mastro to serve as Corporation Council.
I worked with Randy for nearly 20 years.
He was my mentor, and then my partner at Gibson Dunn.
And I think there's no doubt that he's an extraordinary lawyer and a fierce advocate.
He goes all in for his clients and would do the same for the city.
But I just wanted to focus on a couple of Randy's specific qualities throughout the time that I've known him.
He's been dedicated to pro bono work and committed to public service and dedicated to mentoring junior lawyers and to fostering diversity.
With respect to pro bono work, Randy's been a passionate advocate for all types of causes and has been devoted to helping people in need.
He did a lot of that work despite how busy he was because he cares about those causes and issues and about doing good.
And this matters.
The fact is that private practice, we have lots of different types of clients.
They don't always align with their own personal values.
It's a business the bottom line, and that's the nature of it.
But Randy has put in countless countless hours outside of that paid work, hours that could have been spent with his family or friends or sitting on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy, but instead, he spent it helping people and causes that could use his help.
And I think if you're looking at how to determine his values, that's something that you should look at.
Madame Speaker, you spoke in your opening remarks about entitlement.
And specifically of women and people of color understanding that there's no entitlement to any particular position and that those words resonated with me.
And I think in that regard, it's especially important that people who are in a position to do so act as allies and where they're able go out of their way to help make opportunities for women and people of color.
And that is what Randy does and has done and Veronica, who testified earlier, spoke to this and to the need for people to open doors.
I'll just be another minute.
Randy did that.
He went out of his way to give me opportunities that I wouldn't otherwise have had, guided me throughout my career, to help me become the 1st female litigation partner of color in Gibson Dunn's New York office.
And I saw him take the time to give that same kind of guidance and mentorship to other junior lawyers, especially women and people of color.
And the litigation department became significantly more diverse as a result of those efforts.
And I just add on one more thing on a slightly more personal note because there was some discussion about whether Randy is respected by his colleagues, how he'd be to work with.
He was a terrific colleague.
I've worked with lots of different lawyers in my career, and Randy was one of the best to work with.
He was always committed and passionate always respectful of my ideas and input even when I was a very junior associate.
He's the person with strong opinions, but he values and respects those of others.
So at bottom, Randy is devoted to serving the public interest and would do a terrific job.
Pierina Ana Sanchez
Thank you. pigeon logo

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