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Testimony by Mark E. Bini, Partner at Reed Smith LLP, on Randy Mastro's Nomination
132 sec
Mark E. Bini, a partner at Reed Smith LLP, testifies in support of Randy Mastro's nomination as Corporation Counsel. He shares personal experiences of how Mastro inspired him to pursue public service and highlights Mastro's commitment to public good throughout his career.
- Bini worked closely with Mastro for 4 years as a young lawyer before spending 15 years as a prosecutor
- Mastro helped Bini organize pro bono legal services for developmentally disabled New Yorkers
- Bini describes Mastro as a "legal Robin Hood" committed to public interest and urges the council to confirm him
Mark E. Bini
Good evening.
My name is Mark Beanie, and Randy Mastro inspired me to work in the public service.
As a young lawyer, I spent 4 years working with Randy very closely.
And frankly, his his words, but his deeds and his actions, his commitment to the public service inspired me.
And so after working at Gibson, Dun and Crutcher with these folks and with with Randy, I spent the next 15 years of my career as a prosecutor, first the Manhattan DA's office down the street, and then across the bridge in the US attorney's office for the Eastern District of New York.
And now I work at a law firm in Midtown, but I have to tell you that Randy shaped so many young lawyers like me to be committed to the public interest.
Randy is a fantastic lawyer who is committed to the public good and has done it throughout his career.
You know many of his famous acts in public goods such as taking on President Trump with respect to what he did in 2020 with clearing, violent clearing of peaceful race racial justice demonstrators for a photo op.
But I wanna tell you about some of the acts of good that Randy has done that you may not be aware of.
My younger brother is developmentally disabled.
And when I was at Gibson Dunn, I wanted to do something on behalf of developmentally disabled New Yorkers.
Randy Mastro, did that with me.
He he helped me do that.
And we got 50 attorneys, 50 attorneys to provide legal services on behalf of loved ones, of developmentally disabled people, who needed pro bono services.
And so he is literally a legal Robinhood for the developmentally disabled.
He's a fantastic attorney.
He is committed to the public good, and he would be a fantastic corporation counsel.
So I I please urge you to confirm him.
Keith Powers
Thank you.