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Community benefits of the proposed development



100 sec

The project offers several community benefits that have been discussed with stakeholders and the community board. These benefits aim to address local needs and improve the quality of life in the area.

  • Ground floor supermarket providing access to fresh and affordable groceries
  • Community space for local nonprofits, including meeting rooms for collaboration
  • Light industrial space for small-scale manufacturing and production
  • Maker space to empower local individuals and foster innovation
  • Job training facilities with classroom space for various programs
Richard Lobel
The next slide demonstrates some of the community benefits, which have been the subject of frequent conversations with the community board and other stakeholders.
There's a supermarket proposed for the ground floor of the site, which would provide access to fresh and affordable groceries.
One of the things that kind of compelled us to move forward with the food market and a fresh store is our conversations with community when they demonstrated that.
There were not good options in the area for produce, for fresh foods, etcetera.
And so the opportunity to provide that in this expanded building was very important to the applicant and to the community in general.
There were lengthy conversations about the lack of fresh options, about the sad state of produce in nearby supermarkets, and it was something which really compelled our action here.
There would also be community space for local nonprofits as is recorded in the community benefits agreement.
There would be meeting rooms for local nonprofits to collaborate and serve the community.
There would be light industrial space.
Again, this is mentioned in the Community Benefits Agreement and would also be in the restrictive declaration with regards to small scale manufacturing and production space.
There's maker space which would empower local individuals in kind of smaller tailored space to allow for creative and entrepreneurial work, provide for innovation and craftsmanship within the local community.
And then there also importantly would be job training.
This was an important aspect of the application as was requested by local nonprofit organizations, which would allow for classroom space for job training programs, something which is absent from the surrounding area. pigeon logo

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