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Zoning map, area context, and rationale for rezoning



3 min

The presentation provides an overview of the zoning map, area context, and rationale for the proposed rezoning. The site's location and surrounding area characteristics are highlighted to support the rezoning application.

  • The site is surrounded by residential districts to the northeast and west, including the Red Hook Houses
  • Manufacturing districts are located to the east, southeast, and south along the Gowanus Expressway
  • The rezoning aims to create walk-to-work opportunities in a densely populated residential area
  • The current M1-1 zoning has resulted in low job-generating uses and underutilization of the site
  • The proposed M1-5 zoning would allow for increased density and job creation near transportation options
Richard Lobel
The next slide is this zoning map, which kind of gives an overview.
We'll go into the area map, which is a little bit more detailed.
But you can see generally speaking that to the northeast on the 2nd map and to the west, there are residential districts which abound here, including Redhook the rent to houses, which is the largest Nighthawk development in Brooklyn.
To the east here, next slide, please.
You can see to the east, the southeast, and the south are M districts, manufacturing districts, specifically as we are located along the Guanacexpress Way.
The next slide is the tax map, which shows the specific delineation, again, with these 4 zoning lots included, although there are portions of other lots It's really these four sites, including the applicant site in red 99100 square feet.
And the next slide is the area map, which I think really tells the story of why this rezoning is important and not just one which is elective.
So you've got an area where you have a dense residential population, and the idea here of the opportunity to build commercial uses, light manufacturing uses, job generation, something which is extremely important as it has been expressed both by the commission and by the city council.
This allows for walk to work opportunities.
It's the next slide if you can just advance that to the area map.
Thank you.
So this is you can see the the dense residential specifically the rent hook houses to the west.
We are creating walk to work opportunities in an area where it is appropriate.
The existing m 11 district at the site, which has existed for over 60 years, has produced what m 11 districts produce, which is low job generating manufacturing uses slash open uses.
And m 11 use has a 1 f a r, a relatively small floor area, high parking requirement.
It results in what the applicant site is now used for and has been used for for 20 years.
Which is scaffolding business on an open site.
This is doing no good for anybody.
The fact that Community Board 6 so strongly came out in favor of this, and really the request of the applicant was that we continue along on our memorandum of understanding and sign a community benefits agreement really indicates how this site is just poorly utilized and is under utilized for the opportunity that presents here.
You're you're basically adjacent to the Guanacexpress Way, The area, given transportation, the South Ninth Street Station, can easily handle the additional bulk that is proposed at the site.
And is really for those attending the community board meeting was welcome at the site to put a building of this nature in this location.
These slides which are after this demonstrate pictures of the surrounding area.
Again, the looming expressway immediately adjacent to the property, as well as the open nature of the existing site.
After the photos, there's a copy of the zoning change map, which again shows the minor change highlighted in black on the right, which would create the M15 here.
While this zoning change is minor in terms of the map, it is major in terms of the hopes and desires of this community.
You know, again, this is an applicant who's really gone out of its way with numerous meetings in the local area, outreach, and other communications to try to build a coalition here, which is what we've got.
And, you know, it's very disheartening to face the prospect of a loss of this potential building, which really engages so much of the community and really has invested much of the hope of the surrounding area, you know, because basically, I think the applicant here in good faith has talked to everybody has really tried to get everyone on board.
So I think with that, I would hand the mic over to Nick LaBaras, our project architect, who can talk a little bit about what might be possible to site given the proposed mix rezoning. pigeon logo

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