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Council Member Ayala shares her personal experience with education programs



99 sec

Council Member Diana I. Ayala shares her personal experience with education programs as a young single parent.

She describes how she was encouraged to get her GED and enroll in Bronx Community College, where she benefited from a program similar to the current CUNY Education Development Program.

  • Ayala emphasizes the importance of programs that provide support and 'hand holding' for young parents on public assistance
  • She expresses excitement about how the program has advanced over the years
  • Ayala positions herself as a success story of such educational support programs
Diana I. Ayala
Thank you for your testimony.
It's actually one of my favorite hearings because it touches on something that is really important to me when I was a younger parent of 2, I had dropped out of school, and I hadn't finished high school, and a friend of mine had gone to Bronx Community College.
And she made it sound so interesting that I was like, you know, maybe I wanna go back to school.
And so it encouraged me to go and get my my GED.
And so I went at my school to Bronx Community College, and it was there that I met what was, I guess, the that iteration of the CUNY Education Development Program.
And they made the offer for parents that were single parents primarily on public assistance that would like to further their education to come and meet with them.
And I I took them up on that opportunity, and I'm sitting here before you as as as a success story rate of that program.
And I have always advocated for that level of of programming to exist specifically for, you know, young women like myself, right, who found found myself in a position where I needed kind of that that hand holding that the program provided.
So I'm excited to hear about, you know, how is advanced in all of these years.
My my five year old is now thirty four, so you've had quite a number of years to perfect it.
So I'm hoping that we've made some advances since then. pigeon logo

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