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Overview of performance metrics and reporting in HRA contracts



81 sec

Administrator Scott French provides a detailed explanation of the performance metrics used in HRA contracts and the frequency of progress reports from providers. The discussion covers various aspects of performance measurement and provider engagement.

  • Performance metrics include process measures, engagement rates, completion rates, employment connections, salaries, and job retention
  • HRA conducts ongoing quality assurance and control as part of daily operations
  • Regular meetings with providers ensure a strong feedback loop for addressing challenges
Diana I. Ayala
Can you tell us a little bit about what performance metrics are part of these contracts and how often HRA receives progress reports from the providers?
Scott French
So performance contracts, there's a variety of different measures and the new contracts will have them as well that really focus on a variety of different things.
Some of them are, you know, how many assessments did you complete, right, other sort of process measures to ensure that clients who are referred to them, right, are provided the services we expect.
There are other measures where we're tracking how many people are enrolled and engaged in education and training, and then completion rates, numbers of people connected to employment, salaries around employment, and retention rates around employment in regards to, you know, our people still employed 30 days later, 60 day, 90 days, a 180 days.
So those are the types of measures Okay.
That we implement and we track, and we, you know, track ongoing quality assurance, quality control is part of our daily operations, and we meet with our providers regularly.
We wanna make sure that we have a very strong feedback loop from them because they are on the ground and on the front lines so that they can let us know where there may be some challenges in the sectors that we maybe aren't aware of initially, so we can sort of address any issues that we need to address when it comes to performance measures and challenges they may be having.
Diana I. Ayala
Okay. pigeon logo

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