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Chair Brooks-Powers introduces and explains proposed introductions 346-A and 746-A
3 min
Council Member Selvena N. Brooks-Powers, Chair of the Committee on Transportation Infrastructure, introduces two proposed introductions: 346-A regarding pedestrian crossing guidelines and right of way, and 746-A concerning the improvement of paid medians.
She explains the contents and potential impacts of both bills, expressing support for 346-A due to its address of racial disparities in jaywalking enforcement and potential safety benefits.
- Proposed Intro 346-A would legalize jaywalking and require DOT to conduct education on street safety.
- Proposed Intro 746-A would require the modification of vacant paid medians with vegetation and stormwater management features.
- Brooks-Powers emphasizes the potential benefits of both bills, including improved safety, climate change mitigation, and neighborhood beautification.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Good morning, and welcome to this hearing of the committee on transportation infrastructure.
I am Silvina Brooks Powers, the Chair of the Committee.
Today, we will be voting on proposed intro number 346a, sponsored by council member Mercedes and Nazis.
A local law in relation to pedestrian crossing guidelines and right of way.
And proposed intro number 746 a, sponsored by council member Oswald Felix, a local law in relation to the improvement of paid media's through the planting of vegetation or use in storm water management.
Proposed intro number 346a would permit pedestrians to legally cross a roadway at any point.
Including outside of a marked or unmarked crosswalk and allow for crossing against traffic signals.
It would legalize the activity commonly referred to as Jaywalking.
And specify that Jay Walker does not constitute a violation of the law.
This proposed bill also requires that the Department of Transportation conduct education and outreach to inform pedestrians in all people using out roads about their rights and responsibilities regarding street safety.
Jay Walker is a really enforced violation in our city, yet Jay Walker summons disproportionately target black and Latino persons.
There is little evidence to support the claim that criminal or civil offenses were jaywalking, change pedestrian behavior, or increase pedestrian safety.
I am committed to street safety for all New Yorkers, and I'm pleased that this bill includes a public education campaign to ensure everyone on our road stays safe.
Giving less than 500 j walk in summons a year, almost exclusively to Black and Latino New York does not keep us safe.
Thus, I support this proposed bill.
Propose intro number 746 a would require the commissioner of transportation.
The commissioner of Parks And Recreation, and the commissioner of Environmental Protection to modify at least one mile of vacant paid medians every 2 years.
This bill prioritizes areas that have his historically low infrastructure investment or a large population of low income residents.
These median modifications will include planted medians, tree beds, and other forms of storm water management.
These improvements have the potential to improve traffic safety, reduce the negative impacts of climate change, reduce the urban heat island effect, and beautify our neighborhoods.
The Department of Transportation will also maintain a website identifying these meetings and the agency responsible for cleaning and maintaining them.
DOT will be the default agency due to their expertise in the in in this infrastructure but the mayor has the power to designate a different agency if appropriate.
This is an important transparency measure so the public knows where the buck stops with respect to the cleanliness and integrity of our infrastructure.
I will now allow council member Northeast to speak on her introduction.