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Architectural styles and building dates in the Willoughby Hart district



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The Willoughby Hart Historic District features row houses built during the last three decades of the 19th century, showcasing a transition from farmland to dense residential development. The district includes various architectural styles creating a cohesive streetscape.

  • Most common style is Neo-Grec
  • Also includes Second Empire, Romanesque Revival, and Queen Anne styles
  • Buildings constructed between 1870s and 1890s
  • Consistency in age and style creates a cohesive streetscape
Lisa Kersavage
Showed here is our analysis.
And on the dates, the building dates and styles represented in the district, all the row houses were built during the last 3 decades of the 19th century, during a time of transition from farmland, to dense residential development.
The most common architectural style is Neo Greck, seen throughout the district and employed throughout the phase of the development.
Rojas is featuring a combined combination of Neo Greck in 2nd empire, stylistic features, among the earliest buildings can corrected, and a row of Romanesh Revive on Queen And Style House is on Hart Street among the latest.
The consistency in age and style creates a distinctly cohesive streetscape.
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