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Council Member Julie Menin's remarks on Memorial Sloan Kettering Pavilion rezoning proposal



3 min

Council Member Julie Menin provides an overview of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Pavilion rezoning proposal, highlighting the project's background, community concerns, and the need for cancer care expansion in New York City. She emphasizes the importance of addressing community issues while recognizing the critical need for advanced medical facilities.

  • The proposed 31-story building would include 28 operating rooms and 206 patient beds, rising to a height of 594 feet including mechanical equipment.
  • Community Board 8 approved the rezoning with conditions related to building height, sustainability, union labor, and construction impact mitigation.
  • Menin stresses the need for MSK to be a good neighbor and address concerns about the building's height and construction impacts, particularly on nearby residents and students.
Julie Menin
Thank you so much, Chair, for holding today's important hearing.
The memorial slown kettering, Pavilion rezoning, would facilitate the development of a new hospital building located on the east side of Manhattan at Newark Avenue Between 66 And 67th Street.
It's important to note that this U Lab application was first proposed in 2001, and the city planning commission was to hold its hearing on this item on September 12 2001.
We obviously all know what happened on that tragic day of 9:11.
Since that time, New York City and the United States has been in the midst of an ongoing crisis as cancer rates and projections unfortunately soar.
New York City is currently experiencing 40,000 new cancer cases annually.
To meet, the anticipated increase in the need for cancer care, the applicant proposes a 31 story building with approximately 28 operating rooms and 2 106 patient beds.
The new building, which would be known as the MSK Pavilion, would rise to a height of 550 feet or 594 feet, including mechanical equipment at the roof.
Community Board 8 of Manhattan approved this rezoning by a vote of 24 in favor, 11 opposed, one abstention.
But with conditions that concern the height of the building, the building's sustainability are carbon footprint.
The use of union labor, and a need for MSK to mitigate construction impacts, including traffic, noise, and dust among others.
The board recommended that MSK meet regularly with the community and enter into an agreement for community benefits that address these concerns.
It's my understanding that the applicant has had preliminary conversations with and has general support from building trade organizations.
I greatly appreciate the applicant's efforts, and I urge the applicant to continue these conversations with unions and other labor entities so the project labor agreements can be fully executed.
I want to echo the concerns from Community Board 8 that I mentioned before and of other residents who have contacted my office as well as other stakeholders.
Although this community and certainly the whole of New York city needs and absolutely deserves cutting edge, lifesaving care to address the cancer crisis.
MSK must be a good neighbor to the residents, the students, and others that call this community home.
Many stakeholders are very concerned about the height of the proposed building.
This building is by any standard very tall.
If this building is approved, it will certainly have construction impacts.
Ensuring the safety and the health of nearby residents and students is of absolute paramount importance, and more needs to be done given the sheer size of this building.
I have been working for months with the community with PS 183 and with MSK to negotiate significant construction mitigation that exceeds environmental requirements so that we do everything in our power to protect the health, safety, and well-being of our residents and of our students.
At today's hearing, I look forward to the applicant responding to these concerns and answering the committee's questions.
I want to thank the chair for allowing me to speak, and I look forward to today's hearing.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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