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Testimony by Annette Rosenberg, Resident and Parent, on MSK Pavilion Project
140 sec
Annette Rosenberg, a resident of East 66th Street and parent of children attending PS 183, testifies against the Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Pavilion project. She expresses concerns about the negative impacts of the construction on the school and its students, criticizing the approval process and its lack of consideration for children's well-being.
- Compares the city's concern for Brooklyn Botanic Garden's sunlight needs to the apparent disregard for PS 183 students' health
- Highlights potential hazards from demolition and construction, including dust, noise, and traffic congestion
- Argues that the Pavilion will permanently block sunlight to the school, affecting students' learning environment
Annette Rosenberg
That's okay.
Are you starting?
Thank you for the opportunity to speak before you today.
My name is Annette Rosenberg, and I'm a resident of East 66th Street, a parent of 2 children who attend 183, and a founding member of Lenox Hill families advocating for children to thrive or fact.
I'm sharing 2 photographs with you today, 1 of the Brooklyn botanic garden, and one of my kids ages 7 and 10.
As you can see, both of these things need sunlight, clean air, and TLC to thrive.
Throughout this Euler process, however, it has become abundantly clear that only one of these things is worthy of those needs according to city officials, and that is the botanic garden.
In approving MSK's rezoning application, Community Board 8 Manhattan Burrow President Mark Levine and the Department of City Planning have also sent a clear message that the health and well-being of 550 children who attend PS 183 this year and every year after may be sacrificed on the altar of MSK's Pavilion.
The city planning commission spent 4 hours discussing the shadow impact of a proposed condo in Brooklyn on the gardens' plants a nearby school on its yard asking detailed questions about how much sunlight various exotic plants need.
They ask no such questions about the impact of MSK's demolition and construction on PS 183 perhaps because MSK conveniently didn't mention the school in its scope of work or environmental impact statement.
The demolition of 1233 York Avenue and the 6 years of construction will negatively impact the surrounding residential neighborhood especially the elementary school students, teachers, and staff at PS 183.
These children ages 4 to 11 will bear the brunt of the hazardous snow dust that includes friable asbestos and ledge chips, noise, traffic congestion, and other environmental impacts of the project.
That may one day ironically negatively affect their health.
The Pavilion will block the Southeastern windows of the school and cast a shadow on the school yard in perpetuity, leaving our children literally in the dark.
As the daughter 2 physicians, including a surgical oncologist who worked at city hospitals for more than 40 years.
I know that cancer care is important, and I recognize the need for strong healthcare institutions to serve local and global needs.
However, we must not put this agenda ahead of the welfare of our children.
Those of you who call yourself child advocates will no longer be able to do so if you vote yes on this application.
I urge you not to approve this rezoning.
Thank you.