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Zoning actions and approvals required for the project
5 min
Shelly Friedman, land use counsel to MSK, outlines the zoning actions and approvals required for the Pavilion project.
- The application includes 8 actions, with some requiring City Council approval
- Key actions include a zoning map amendment, a zoning text amendment, and a special permit for the large-scale community facility development
- The project is a continuation of discussions from 2001 regarding a replacement hospital
- Additional actions include authorizations, modifications, and certifications not requiring Council approval
Shelly Friedman
Thank you, Paul.
Mister Chairman, good morning, members of the committee, council member, Menin, Shelly Friedman.
Friedman and Gottam, we are a land use counsel to MSK.
Next slide, please.
There are 8 actions in our Europe package, not all of them are requiring Council approval.
I want to concentrate on those that that are before the council.
The others are basically authorizations, modifications, and certifications that don't necessarily come to the council.
But we have been asked to present to you the complete package.
The the first the first action is a zoning map amendment, which is before the council.
Next slide, please.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Do we let's go back one.
Excuse me.
The the text amendment the text amendment was a part of the actions that were originally referred originally requested in 2001 with the construction of the supplement research center.
That was considered Phase 1 of that application.
Phase 2 in 2001 was a acute care hospital that was considered Phase 2.
Both were certified by the commission and went into Ulerb Our city planning hearing was scheduled for September 12 2001.
And, of course, that hearing didn't resolve didn't happen because of the events of the prior of the prior day.
In fact, our EULOPE application expired while the city was rebooting in the aftermath of of 911.
And thanks to an action of the council, a local law that was adopted, our our EULIP was revived, but given until December 31st to complete, which eliminated about 150 days of the normal Euler clock for that application.
We were asked if we would since the Zuckerman building was ready to go, but the replacement hospital was not ready to go.
That was going to be a phase 2 that was going to follow years after Phase 1, whether we would withdraw that replacement hospital from consideration, which we agreed to do, that eliminated the need for this zoning map amendment In the commission's report, they acknowledged our actions and told us that when we were ready to present the new hospital, we should certainly come back to the commission, and they understood its need at that point.
This application is the resumption of that discussion, that that we had with the commission and with the council in 2001.
And this pavilion building is that replacement hospital.
It ends up being a little smaller than what we will show you as the replacement hospital, that what we can show you as the replacement hospital.
But none nonetheless, this is the resumption of that discussion, which occurred in 2001 and was and was deferred.
The second action, which is before the council is his only text amendment, designing text amendment is 2 chapters of the discretionary permits in the large scale community facilities development chapter chapter 79 of the zoning resolution.
As you may know, large scale community designations our special designations for multi block campuses, universities, hospitals and the like.
In this case, the zoning map amendment that we're seeking will modify a provision that is applicable only within large scales, only within hospitals in those large scales, only within community boards 8 and 12, and only within zoning districts R9 and R10.
So you can see the very focused aspect of this text amendment that will deal with technically lot coverage issues and and with and with signage only in those in in those very narrow cases.
We are also requesting a special permit pursuant to the large scale that is typical in large scales that provides the redistribution of floor area and certain allowances for heightened setback and the like so that applicants such as MSK, which are dealing with multi block campuses, have some flexibility in the distribution of their floor area.
The next item on the authorization, which is not before the Council, there is a curb put certification, which is not before the council, and there is a modification of heightened setback within the large scale, which is not which is not before the council.
There will then be a we are presently living under a restrictive declaration with regard to 2001 rezonings since we are now proceeding with the hospital that restrictive declaration is has been withdrawn and canceled.
And finally, the revocable consent for the bridge that Paul described to you requires a revocable consent from the Department of Transportation Their procedures require us to go to the to the public design commission for preliminary approval.
They have provided those preliminary comments and in their report referred to the bridge as as elegant.