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Legislation to improve support for fire emergency victims



120 sec

Speaker Adams introduces two bills aimed at bolstering support for fire emergency victims in New York City.

  • Introduction 89 requires timely notifications to council members about serious fires in their districts
  • Introduction 6a mandates the development of procedures to ensure occupants of multiple dwellings receive relevant information following residential vacate orders due to fires
  • Both bills aim to improve communication and support for those affected by fire emergencies
Adrienne E. Adams
Today, we will also vote on the following pieces of legislation, Resolution 4 38, spotted by council member Gail Brewer would recognize Landing Day in the 2nd week of September annually to commemorate the arrival of the 1st Jewish community in New Amsterdam in 16 54 and to celebrate the continuing importance of the Jewish community in the city of New York.
Thank you to our staff member, Regina Paul.
Introduction 746 A, sponsored by Council member Oswald Feliz, would require the Department of Transportation And Collaboration With the Departments of Parks And Recreation and the Department of Environmental Protection to improve paved medians by planting vegetation or adding storm water management infrastructure.
The bill would also require DOT to report on its efforts to make such improvements.
We thank our staff member Mark Shen.
Next, we will be voting on 2 bills that will bolster support for fire emergency victims.
Introduction 89, sponsored by council member, Pierina Sanchez, would require an agency designated by the mayor to provide notice to council members of certain serious fires located within their districts.
These notifications would need to be sent within 3 hours of the fire department's deployment to the scene of the fire and contain specific information relating to the incident.
Thank you to our staff members, David Sitzer, Josh Kingsley and William Haughn Gosh.
And introduction 6a, sponsored by council member Alexa Avelis, would require the Department of Housing Preservation And Development And Consultation With the Fire Department And Department of Buildings to develop procedures to ensure that occupants of multiple dwellings receive relevant information in connection with the issuance of residential vacate orders following fires.
This bill would require HPD to designate a person on-site to distribute relevant materials to occupants of the building inform occupants of their rights and their landlord's responsibilities, and provide information in the designated city wide languages on where occupants can find additional resources.
Thank you to our staff member, Taylor Zilani. pigeon logo

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