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Package of bills to address legacy of slavery and racial injustice in NYC
3 min
Speaker Adams introduces a significant package of bills aimed at acknowledging, studying, and addressing the legacy of slavery and racial injustices in New York City.
- Emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing long-standing injustices inflicted on Black New Yorkers
- Highlights the council's intentional approach to confronting historic inequities and advancing racial justice
- Introduces four specific bills:
- Installation of a sign marking the site of New York's first slave market
- Establishment of a task force to consider creating NYC Freedom Trails
- A study on the city's role in slavery and potential reparative measures
- Establishment of a truth, healing, and reconciliation process related to slavery and its legacies
Adrienne E. Adams
Finally, we will be voting on a package of bills from the committee on civil and human rights to acknowledge, study, and address the legacy of slavery and racial injustices that are at its that are at at a result.
In New York City.
The legacy of slavery and systemic racism has impacted all facets of our society today from housing and education to our physical, mental, and economic health.
It's important that our city not just recognize these long standing injustices inflicted on Black New Yorkers and communities, but that we take steps to redress these harms through potential remedies.
As the first black speaker leading the most diverse city council in our city's history, We've been intentional about confronting historic inequities perpetrated by systemic racism, disinvestment, and policies.
We've advanced legislative solutions to create a more diverse municipal workforce address racial disparities in maternal and birthing health, address disproportionate harms related to public safety, expand opportunities for MWE's and much more.
We've also supported the work of the racial justice commission, the New York City Commission unreasonable equality, and policy changes it produced by voter approval of ballot initiatives.
Today's package of legislation, which will be coordinated with the New York State Community Commission on Reparations, Remedy's, marks the next step to advancing racial justice and equity in our city.
It is what our city and communities deserve.
We need honesty and understanding the historical legacy of slavery in New York City.
And its impact on New Yorkers as well as a path towards healing, reconciliation, and repair.
This council is proud to advance these efforts.
Introduction to 8:33 A, sponsored by public advocate, Giovanni Williams, would require the Department of Transportation, to facilitate the installation and maintenance of an informational sign near the inter intersection of Wall And Pearl Streets in Manhattan to mark the site of New York's first slave market.
Thank you to our staff member, Jessica Bouley.
Introduction 4 71a sponsored by Council member Renantasha Williams would establish a task force to consider the creation of a city wide New York City Freedom Trail and a Lower Manhattan Freedom Trail.
The task force would be required to submit a report of its recommendations to the mayor and council no later than 1 year after the task force is first convened.
Thank you to our staff members, Declan McPherson and Jessica Bouley.
Introduction to 79 a sponsored by council member, Feral Lewis, would require a core to work with subject matter experts to study the historical and present day role of New York City government in perpetrating or perpetuating slavery and related racial injustices and to consider reparative measures for such injustices.
The reparations study would document the harms of slavery and its legacies in the city, identify associated rights violations, and recommend potential legal policy and other measures to help remedy or redress associated harms.
The study would also propose eligibility criteria for receiving reparations.
Core would coordinate with the New York State Community Commission on Reparations Remedy's.
Thank you to our staff members, Jessica Bouley, and William Diori.
And in production 242 a, sponsored by council member, Crystal Hudson, would require the commission on racially quiet equity or core to establish a truth healing and reconciliation process in connection with the city's historic involvement in slavery and its present day legacies.
The objectives would be to establish facts about slavery in New York City and its ongoing legacies, protect and acknowledge affected persons and communities, and recommend changes for government and institutions to prevent recurrence and perpetuation of harm.
Thank you to our staff members, Jessica Bouley and William Diori.
Thank you for your attention.
Now I turn it back over to our majority leader.