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Testimony by Heidi Systo, Cat Rescuer and Social Media Influencer
101 sec
Heidi Systo, a Brooklyn resident for 15 years, shares her experience as a cat rescuer who has turned her passion into a full-time job through social media influence. She highlights the urgent need for city-funded spay/neuter clinics to address the pet overpopulation crisis in New York City.
- Rescued over 1,000 cats in 11 years, garnering 2.4 million followers across social media platforms
- Spent over $100,000 on veterinary care for cats in 2023, fundraised through social media
- Emphasizes that relying on social media influencers is not a sustainable solution for what should be a city service
Heidi Systo
My name is Heidi Sisto, and for the last 15 years, I've lived in bedside, Brooklyn.
It was approximately 11 years ago that I started helping the stray cats in my neighborhood in my free time after being confronted with cats in need every time I left my house.
Getting these homeless cats, veterinary care, spanned nootter, and adopted into homes, spending any extra time and money I had on them.
Like all cat rescuers, I had a day job that had nothing to do with cats and spread myself thin juggling both my job and helping cats.
It was around this time 11 years ago that I also started posted posting on social media, documenting the cats I was helping in my neighborhood.
Since then, I've rescued over a 1000 cats of which almost all were originally intact.
In documenting this, I've garnered 2,400,000 followers across social media platforms, and as a result, I've been able to turn rescuing cats into my full time job.
I can say that I am one of the only New Yorkers who rescues cats as their day job.
In 2023, I rest I spent over a $100,000 on veterinary care for cats, which I was able to fundraise through my social media platforms.
But this is not a sustainable solution.
No one should have to become Internet famous in order to provide what should be a city service.
New York City shouldn't need social media influencers to solve this problem when there are thousands of New Yorkers who wanna step up, many of whom you'll hear from today.
Everyday, New Yorkers wanna help the cats on their block, and get their pets fixed, but the resources just aren't available to do so.
And as a result, the overpopulation crisis of pets gets worse every year.
But we can solve this problem by having widespread access to city funded, Span Neuter.
Clinics in every borough where pet owners and rescuers alike could bring pets to receive free in locusts, Spain, New Year.
We need your help.
We need New York City to step up and fund high volume affordable Spain, New Year.
Thank you so much for your time.