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Testimony by Marilyn Zucker, Member of the Public, on Animal Welfare Issues in New York City
135 sec
Marilyn Zucker testified on various animal welfare issues in New York City, including support for Intro 1018, concerns about the treatment of animals in religious rituals and wet markets, and a call for action on carriage horses. She urged the committee to hold a hearing for Intro 967 (Reuters Law) to address carriage horse abuse.
- Expressed support for Intro 1018 to prevent backyard breeders from circumventing laws on retail sale of dogs and cats
- Highlighted concerns about treatment of chickens in Kaporos rituals and animals in wet markets
- Discussed recent media exposés on animal cruelty in religious rituals and wet markets
- Called for action on carriage horse industry, citing public support for a ban and recent animal abuse case
Marilyn Zucker
My name is Marilyn Zucker.
I'm honored to speak to the city council health committee today addressing the state of animal rescue.
I employed Justin Brennan on Bill 1018, which will make it harder for backyard breeders to confend the new law, which prohibits this retail sale of dogs and cats, and I urge you to pass it.
But dogs and cats aren't the only New York City non human residents who desperately need our help, your help.
As a Jewish person, I'm saddened each year to know chicken starve and suffer in distress and cramp crates for the annual ritual of Caporos and in wet markets across the city even as bird flu spreads rompantly.
Just this week, the New York Times featured an expose of New York City's wet markets and the danger they posed to public health and the barbaric and cruel treatment these poor animals are forced to endure.
Also this week, the New York Post exposed birds rats, and pigs being intentionally tortured.
Their torment ignored in sadistic animal sacrifice rituals in Howard Beach Queens with full knowledge of authorities.
And Elderly malnourished, former resources, and Amish Workhorse continue to lug £3000 carriages no matter how they feel even while.
Well, I wrote at this very moment, but We know that the the trial has been postponed until October.
Carriage horse owner, Ian McKeever, stands trial for criminal, animal abuse in a downtown courthouse for the torture and death of Ryder.
1 of many carriage horses owned by Ian and his brother.
And despite the fact that 71% of New York is say they'd like to see the carriages banned.
We've been exhaustively fighting for an end to this abusive industry since 2014, and I have an article from 10 years ago, 2014, when we were trying to end the carriages then.
I'm urging you pleading with you, Chairwoman, to please hold a hearing for Reuters Law intro 967.
As a representative, you have the task of making sure New York remains a great and humane city for all of its residents, please protect and rescue the most vulnerable animals.
You are their voice and their only hope.