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Testimony by Will Zweigart, Founder and Executive Director of Flatbush Cats
129 sec
Will Zweigart, founder of Flatbush Cats, testified about the urgent need for affordable spay/neuter services in New York City to reduce shelter overcrowding. He emphasized that affordability is the main reason for pet surrenders and highlighted the importance of upstream efforts like spay/neuter programs in addressing the animal welfare crisis.
- Flatbush Cats opened a nonprofit veterinary clinic offering affordable spay/neuter services and preventative care
- The clinic aims to perform over 10,000 affordable spay/neuter surgeries next year
- Zweigart called for scaling community clinics to every borough, estimating a need for 100,000 spay/neuter appointments per year to significantly reduce shelter intake
Will Zweigart
My name is Will Zweiger.
I'm the founder and executive director of Flatbush Katz.
Our mission is to help reduce overcrowded animal shelters in New York City.
Thank you to the chair and committee for this hearing.
Behind every overcrowded open admission animal shelter is a city that has not yet made basic veterinary services like Spade Nuder affordable and accessible for its residents.
Affordability is the top issue for New Yorkers.
It's also the number one reason why people are surrendering their pets to shelters and why many say they will never be able to adopt again.
Intakes are up, adoptions are down, and currently less than 5% of the city's animal welfare budget supports upstream efforts.
Like Spain Newder.
We cannot rescue or adopt our way out of this crisis.
So last year, with support from the public and this council, we opened Flatbush Veterinary Clinic, a nonprofit facility offering affordable Spanuter services and preventative care for pet owners and rescuers because Spanuter is surrender prevention.
Next year, we'll perform over 10,000 affordable Spanuter surgeries which will provide a massive benefit to reducing shelter intake.
We built this clinic as a model to show you what is possible because we need a minimum of 100,000 they needed appointments per year to dramatically reduce intake numbers.
Imagine the possibilities if we scaled community clinics like flattish that to every borough, and imagine this council as the catalyst that finally turned the tide and inspired the rest of the country to follow suit.
Think of how many lives you will save and improve because behind every city with a manageable shelter population is a group of leaders.
Who made Spaniard services more accessible for both pet owners and rescuers.
This is a solvable problem.
Let's get it done.