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Handling retailers operating outside closed cannabis shops
73 sec
Council Member Brewer raises concerns about retailers continuing operations outside closed cannabis shops. Sheriff Miranda explains the division of responsibilities between the Sheriff's Office and the NYPD in handling these situations.
- Street enforcement primarily falls under the jurisdiction of the NYPD
- The Sheriff's Office can take action when outside activity is directly tied to a previously closed business
- Referrals are made to the NYPD for cases outside the Sheriff's Office's jurisdiction
- The Sheriff's Office has taken action against both street activity and brick-and-mortar locations in some cases
Gale A. Brewer
I know that council member banks will talk about this.
And if council member Joseph attends, she will also but there are some retailers where you have closed and then the operation continues right outside the door with a locked gated store behind them.
What are you doing about those situations?
Anthony Miranda
So the law is very particular.
Most of the street enforcement will fall to the New York City police department when they start street enforcement, when we can tie the outside activity directly to the business that used to be operating there, then the law provides certain provisions that we can take additional action ourselves.
But we work with the police department depending on what those situations call for.
Gale A. Brewer
Have you had situations in that I just described where between you and the police department, it has been closed down because it's my impression that they're operating.
No words.
Have you seen situations that I just described?
Have you referred them to the police department, and have you seen action as a result?
Anthony Miranda
We have made referrals to the police department on cases.
We have been able to tie certain outside activity to the brick and mortar locations as well, and we have taken action against both the street activity and the the brick and mortar locations as well.
Gale A. Brewer
I'm sure that customer banks will add more to that question.