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Tracking and reporting systems for padlocked cannabis stores



81 sec

Council Member Banks inquires about the availability of virtual tracking systems for padlocked stores and notification processes for council members and community boards. Sheriff Miranda explains the current practices and limitations in place.

  • Currently, there is no virtual tracking system available for public use
  • The Sheriff's Office communicates with council members about enforcement actions in their districts
  • Community boards are not part of the regular communication process but can receive information upon request
Chris Banks
Is there anything as far as anything virtual for each councilmatic district?
That will show the amount of stores that are being padlocked.
And and is there anything that's that that that has been made available or created so we can track it outside.
If I know the normal report that we get, via email, but is there anything we can go on and see and promote to the public?
Anthony Miranda
There is that technology we have not been able to utilize yet.
I'm sure that in the future we might be able to, but currently it doesn't exist.
We do share with the with council members when we are doing inspections in their district so that they're aware of the enforcement because we know that you get the complaints, and you wanna be able to respond back to them indicating that some enforcement was taking place.
And so when we do that, we do communicate, we issue the council members, indicating what action was taken within their district.
Chris Banks
Are the community boards also in that chain or they also notify?
Anthony Miranda
I don't think community boards are not part of the normal communication process.
Sometimes when they ask us directly, then we all share information with them.
Again, it's really driven based on the complaints that they've given us.
So if they've given us a list of locations that they said, this is what we're hearing about and what we're complaining like to have you have response first, then we will share data with them, or information with them so that they were able to respond to the community and let them know, yeah, we heard your complaints, and we took the appropriate action. pigeon logo

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