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Use of 311 for reporting illegal cannabis shops
91 sec
Council Member Brewer inquires about the use of 311 for reporting illegal cannabis shops, expressing concern about the Sheriff's Office's initial preference for fielding complaints in-house rather than through 311. Sheriff Miranda clarifies the current status of their 311 usage.
- The Sheriff's Office is now using 311 to receive complaints about illegal cannabis shops
- The 311 system for cannabis shop complaints began operating in May
- Over a thousand complaints have been received through the 311 system since its implementation
- There was initial confusion because when the bill (Intro 557-A) was first introduced, the 311 system was not in effect for these complaints
Gale A. Brewer
On March 9th, the mayor and OTI released a report called the State of 311.
This is about 557, and I know you have some challenge with The mayor said 301 triumphs because it meets New Yorkers where they are.
What started as a phone number has evolved into a website, a mobile app, text to 301, the kiosk, social media platforms, all providing connection to our government.
I believe that those who run through 111 are very dedicated, and these channels have proved to be an invaluable resource for New Yorkers.
So why is it better to field complaints in house rather than through 311?
And then I'll add the reason to go through 311 is for the public to also have the data because, obviously, it's important for you to have the data then act on it, but it's really important for that to be available to the public for all of those who want to do mapping and do their own kind of analysis.
So why do you not think that it should go through 311 as other agencies do as opposed to just to your website I mean, to your email.
Anthony Miranda
Just for clarity purposes, I think when the bill was first introduced, we were not 311 was not in effect at the time.
We are using 311.
They do report to us and send notifications to us.
On a regular basis.
This began just after April when we had received a new authority, and May, we started 311.
And I said we received over a thousand complaints already through the 311 system.