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Implications of surrendering the bulk special permit



32 sec

Council Member Abreu inquires about the potential consequences if the developers were to surrender the bulk special permit. The panel explains why this would not be feasible for their project.

  • Surrendering the special permit could theoretically allow for a taller building under the proposed R7-2 zoning
  • However, without the special permit waivers, the building would not comply with rear yard requirements
  • The 35-foot rear yard requirement would make it impossible to construct a feasible building on the narrow site
  • The special permit is essential for the project to be viable given the site's constraints
Shaun Abreu
I just wanna run back to another to a question I asked earlier.
If for some reason you were to surrender the bulk special permit, could the proposed r 72 then permit a building that's taller than was proposed?
Neil Weisbard
It could, but the building wouldn't comply with the rear yard requirements.
So the 35 year rear yard required, we could not build a feasible building.
Without the waivers, without the special permit.
And so we just couldn't drop the special permit.
And since it's so narrow, a feasible building could not be constructed. pigeon logo

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